Chapter 10

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"Wow, it looks nice

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"Wow, it looks nice. Where are your rooms?" Hyerin said as soon as they entered the girls' dorm.

The two guys bid their goodbyes inside the elevator, not really allowed in the girls' dorm or even their floor.

Idols and trainees share the same building of the dorms but they're not really allowed to know each others' dorm room or even their floor as it is banned to date co-idols in SM.

"This is it! We can show Hyerin the wonders and beauty of our dorm and convince her to stay with us!" Daehwi exclaimed, clapping like a seal. Hyerin and Nishiya just laughed at her, Saehwi is in the kitchen preparing snacks for them.

"I was planning to move here, anyways. I'm just waiting for the end the month to move out," Hyerin said shocking the two girls. Saehwi entered the living room with a tray full of snacks in her hand.

"Why are your mouths are wide open? Is their a cockroach again?" Saehwi asked, confused.

"Saeeeee!!!!" Daehwi squealed loudly, holding her twin's shoulder and shaking her violently. Saehwi wiped her hands away from her, glaring at her twin.

"What the hell is wrong with you? And don't shout it's past midnight you idiot!" Saehwi said.

"Hyerin is moving in with us!!" Daehwi exclaimed, Saehwi's eyes widened looking at Hyerin. The latter just nod her head, a smile plastered on her face.

Saehwi basically ran towards her and jump on her, giving her a tight hug. So tight that she wasn't able to breathe properly, she furiously tapped on Saehwi's back.

"Sae, she can't breathe, idiot." Nishiya said, Saehwi immediately stepped backwards but the big grin was still attached on her face.

"When are you moving in?" Saehwi asked, eagerness visible on her face.

"By the end of the month," Hyerin answered causing the red haired girl to squeal in excitement.

"I can't wait!! We'll finally have a baby to take care of," Saehwi excitedly said, clapping like a seal. Nishiya and Daehwi agreeing with what she said.

"Excuse me, i'm turning 20 at the end of the year so i'm basically an adult." Hyerin defended herself, arms crossed above her chest. The three older girls just cooed at her before continuing their businesses.

"I really am!" Hyerin complained, arta frown visible at her face. The girls just smiled at her before Nishiya started to talk.

"Yeah, you're basically a baby to me so nah." Nishiya teased her, Hyerin just huffed in annoyance before sitting on the couch. A pout on her lips.

Nishiya silently took a pic of her pouting face before sending it to Yuta.

Look at her saying she's not
a baby, but sulking at the couch like
a little baby.

Na Yuta
Aww, she's cute.
Wait a minute, i'll show it
to Jaehyun.

"Hey man, i have something to show you." Yuta just barged into Jaehyun's room, startling the guy. Jaehyun just held his chest feeling the rapid beats of his heart.

"Fuck, you startled me." Jaehyun said, Yuta just laughed at him before moving near him. He tapped furiously on his phone before showing a picture to him.

It's not just any picture, it's a picture of Hyerin sitting on a couch with her pouting face and her arms crossed against her chest. Jaehyun's lips tugged upwards unknowingly.

"Forward it to me," Jaehyun said, a smile now plastered on his face. Yuta nods his head before sending the picture to him.

"And delete that pic on your phone, i only want this cuteness for myself." Jaehyun said, Yuta laughed loudly before talking.

"Mister unbothered already likes someone, huh? You like Hyerin, don't you?" Yuta teased him, his brows moving up and down. Jaehyun just rolled his eyes at him.

"I already told you that earlier, don't make me repeat myself." Jaehyun said while staring at his phone, the picture in his phone specifically.

"I'm gonna make this my wallpaper. She's so cute, i'm gonna faint." Jaehyun exaggerated, holding his phone upwards still staring at Hyerin's picture that's now his wallpaper.

"Too bad, i'm not the only one who has a copy of it." Yuta shrugged, Jaehyun immediately looked at Yuta, who's now busy typing on his phone.

"What do you mean?" Jaehyun asked, Yuta just glanced at him before looking back down at his phone.

"Well, it's not like i got it out of nowhere. Nishiya sent me that picture, saying Hyerin's complaining about her not being a baby but she's absolutely acting like one. Cute, isn't it?" Yuta explained, wiggling his brows at him. Jaehyun furrowed his brows in frustration.

"What? Tell her to delete it!" Jaehyun exclaimed, Yuta just chuckled at his silliness.

"I would but you know she won't, she's basically their group's baby. Looks like you're not the only one who's whipped." Yuta said. Jaehyun just groaned, Yuta laughed at him before walking out of his shared room with Jungwoo.

He just stared at his wallpaper for a minute before deciding to send a message to the girl.

Hey, you still up?

Jaehyun waited for her reply but none came. Guess, she's not up anymore. He just sighed before deciding to sleep.

 He just sighed before deciding to sleep

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Oohh, i see you there mr. whipped jung jaehyun.

anyhoes, is it going too fast or is it going too fast? yeah it is.

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