Chapter 20

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Hyerin's brows were knitted together, a frown visible on her face

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Hyerin's brows were knitted together, a frown visible on her face. When Hyerin woke up she immediately took a shower only to see a purple bruise just above her breast.

That idiot gave me a hickey last night.

She was so sure that Jaehyun gave her a hickey because when she woke up she's already wearing her pajamas and the guy's hoodie. He was the only one who tucked her in bed, there's no way it just popped out of nowhere.

"Hyerin-ah, what's wrong?" Hyerin snapped out her thoughts and glanced at Nishiya. Worry visible on the older's face. Hyerin just gave her a small smile shaking her head.

"Nah, i'm fine just... annoyed." Hyerin said, Nishiya just chuckled at her reply knowing what exactly the reason why she's in a mood.

"You've curse him enough, it's still funny how you shouted at him. Way to start the day." Nishiya laughed.

Well, when Hyerin walked out of her bedroom she was still on the phone, cursing and yelling at the suspect who gave her a hickey. A big one at that. The girls just watched her yell at Jaehyun throught the phone, lips are pressed in a thin line, stopping themselved for laughing out loud.

"I'm gonna smack his head when i see him." Hyerin muttered under her breath but Nishiya still heard it and laughed.

"Smack him later, let's focus on practice. We'll have our debut stage performance later, that's a reason for you to stop frowning. You look like you've been holding your shit for too long." Nishiya said, patting her head. Hyerin just snorted at her before going back to her place.

They were about to start their practice again when someone knocked on the smokey glass door of their practice room. Yuta's head peeking inside.

"Well, five minutes break then we'll start again. For now, you may attend to your fanboys." Their instructor, Yeonmi, said. The girls just laughed before going to their boyfriends. Daehwi's brows were knitted together as she look at her group members and their boyfriends in disgust.

Hyerin just laughed at her before scanning the faces of the boys that visited them when her eyes met Jaehyun's gaze she just rolled her eyes at him before marching towards her bag.

"Good luck with that little miss grumps." Daehwi whispered at Jaehyun when he passed by her, Jaehyun just chuckled at her and continued walking towards Hyerin. 

When Jaehyun reached Hyerin, he was about to hold her small waist when she quickly turned around facing Jaehyun, giving him a death glare.

"Look, i said i'm sorry.." Jaehyun softly said, trying to hold the girl's hands but she keeps brushing it away.

"Yeah, as if your sorry can make the mark you made magically disappear." Hyerin deadpanned, clearly giving him cold shoulders. Jaehyun just sighed before wrapping his arms around her waist. Hyerin being used to it, she tried brushing his arms off but failed to do so as he's clearly stronger than her.

"I'm sorry, okay? I just... you're just too irresistable." Jaehyun lowly whispered at her ear, enough only for her to hear.

"Yeah, right. I'll give you a hickey too and just say the same thing." Hyerin deadpanned, typing on her phone. Jaehyun rested his chin on her shoulders, peaking on her phone.

"That'll do, you can give me one right now actually." Jaehyun whispered at her ear making her shiver.

She tried to hide it by hitting the guy's stomach with her elbows. She glared at him before returning her gaze to the screen of her phone.

"Shut up, you pervert. Don't talk to me. Five minutes break is over so get your ass out of here before i kick it." Hyerin sternly said, wiping Jaehyun's arms off her waist.

Jaehyun just chuckled at her cuteness, one hand going back to her waist giving it a squeeze.

"Stop flirting with me, i'm still mad at you for giving me a huge ass hickey. Ugh! You're so annoying." Hyerin exclaimed, rolling her eyes at Jaehyun before going to Daehwi. Hiding behind her back.

Jaehyun followed her afterwards but she immediately hid behind the tall girl. Daehwi was confused at first but still decided to protect the little girl from Jaehyun.

"What'd you do to my baby?" Daehwi asked, glaring at Jaehyun.

"Nothing, i was just saying sorry. I'm sorry, Bae. Stop hiding behind Daehwi." Jaehyun said, still reaching for Hyerin but the girl keeps on avoiding his touch.

Daehwi just clicked her tongue, clearly disappointed at the two that's flirting right infront of her.

"Will you please stop flirting infront of me? Jaehyun pursue your girl later, we have to go back to practice." Daehwi said. Jaehyun just sighed, nodding at Daehwi before walking out of the practice room.

Hyerin just huffed before marching towards their instructor.

"Okay, five minutes break is up. You boys go back to your own practice room, we'll have to start our practice." Yeonmi said, clapping her hands very loud to catch everyone's attention.

The boys just gave their girlfriends' a peck on the lips before bidding their goodbyes. Hyerin's eyes immediately went to Daehwi's face to see her reaction and as usual, disgust is written all over her face.

Daehwi's reaction to the couples always made her day, it's hilarious how disgusted she is when others are acting lovey-dovey right infront of her face.

"Disgusting creatures," Daehwi muttered, brows were knitted together while giving Nishiya and Saehwi a disgusted look. The two girls just rolled their eyes at the tallest while chuckling.

"Shut up, you loveless giant." Saehwi retorted, Daehwi just made face at her in response before going back to their positions.

"What time is it?" Nishiya asked out of nowhere, Yeonmi just glanced at her wristwatch before answering.

"It's already 10:30. Later we will go to the venue where you will have your debut stage performance and rehearse there." Yeonmi explained.

"What time?" Hyerin asked.

"We'll go their 3:00 pm sharp. Have your practice for like 3 hours and when clock strikes 6:00 pm. We'll start doing your make ups and such, we'll also do a sound check. Your performance will start at 8." Their manager explained their schedule from the corner of the practice room.

The girls just nodded in response before they started practicing for their debut stage performance.

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