Chapter 21

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"Congratulations on your successful debut!!!" Their manager said as soon as they reached the backstage

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"Congratulations on your successful debut!!!" Their manager said as soon as they reached the backstage. Everyone was clapping and congratulating them.

"Thank you everyone!!! We really appreciate it. If it wasn't for your hardworks we wouldn't be able to perform successfully. Thank you!!!" Nishiya said, the girls just nodded before they gave the staffs a ninety degrees bow.

"You really gave us an EPIC performance!!!" One of the staffs said, the girls just smiled at them before saying 'thank you'

"Well, this calls for a celebration! Change your clothes, i will wait for you outside." Their manager said, the girls just nodded at him in response.

"I can't believe we finally made it." Daehwi said, a huge smile plastered on her face.

"I'm so glad that you are my group members," Nishiya dramatically said, tears of joy streaming down her face.

"This is just the start of our journey, get ready for a long ass roller coaster ride." Saehwi said.

"Kpop industry, here we go!!!" Daehwi energetically said making the other three girls laugh at her.

"Group hug!!!" Hyerin exclaimed, arms wide open. The girls just smiled at her cuteness before leaning in for a hug.

"NSDH, We can do it! Let's go! Let's get it!"


"Hoo! What an exhausting but amazing day!" Daehwi exclaimed as soon they entered their dorm.

Hyerin immediately slumped on the sofa, Saehwi following her afterwards leaning her head on Hyerin's shoulder. Nishiya just layed flat at the carpet infront of Hyerin amd Nishiya.

"I'm stoked." Saehwi said, eyes closing. Hyerin just chuckled before resting her head on the backrest of the chair closing her eyes.

"Y'all stink, go take a bath before sleeping. Don't sleep on the couch!!!" Daehwi yelled but none of the members responded, just the soft snores coming out from the girls can be heard in the living room.

Daehwi just shook her head before getting a blanket to cover the girls that are now sleeping peacefully in the living room.

Daehwi just stared at the sleeping girls before shaking her head, deciding to take a picture of them sending it to their gc with the nct 127 members.


My guys, if you are already
in the dorms and have
free time, i suggest you
collect your drunk girls
here in our dorm's living
room because look.
*attached photo*

After sending a message to their group chat, Daehwi shot one last look to the girls before walking towards her bedroom. Her phone buzzed, signalling a message so she sat at the edge of her bed opening the new message.

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