Chapter 19

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"I swear to God these two will exchange faces eventually

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"I swear to God these two will exchange faces eventually." Daehwi whispered at Hyerin, watching Saehwi and Jungwoo who's now sucking off each others' face in the living room.

When the boys arrived, Saehwi marched inside her room after seeing Jungwoo's face, Jungwoo following her quickly. When they walked out of her room, their hands were intertwined and smiles are plastered on their faces.

"Ssshh, you can stop being bitter about everyone's love life and just eat your pizza. Go on," Hyerin said, stuffing Daehwi's mouth with a pizza.

Hyerin was busy looking on the wall, clearly spacing out, when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked up to see Jaehyun looking down at her, a grin plastered on his face.

"Welp, i've had enough of Saehwi and Nishiya sucking boys' faces. I don't want to see yours so imma dip out." Daehwi said, standing up and heading towards the kitchen. Hyerin just stared at her retreating back while Jaehyun sat beside her, where Daehwi used to sit.

Jaehyun's hand automatically went on Hyerin's exposed thighs and gave her a peck on the lips.

"You ate already?" Jaehyun asked, looking straight into her eyes while his hands rubbed Hyerin's thighs affectionately. Hyerin just nodded as a response before resting her head on Jaehyun's shoulder.

"Long day, huh?" Jaehyun said, Hyerin nodded her head her eyes going droopy.

"I'm so tired, i want to sleep now" Hyerin tiredly said, fully closing her eyes. She felt Jaehyun pat her head before talking.

"Do you still have the energy to walk or you want me to carry you?" Jaehyun asked. Hyerin straddled Jaehyun, wrapping her legs around his waist and arms around his neck. Jaehyun just chuckled at her before standing up, walking towards her room.

"You're such a baby." Jaehyun whispered at her but she ignored it, nuzzling her nose on his neck inhaling his intoxicating scent.

"I'm tired, shut up. It's not like i forced you to carry me in bed." Hyerin retorted, tiredness visible in her voice. Jaehyun carefully laid Hyerin in her bed.

"You need to change first." Jaehyun reminded her but she just grunted and turned her back against him, cuddling her pillow. Jaehyun shaked his head and tugged on her shirt.

"You'll change or i'll change you?" Jaehyun threatened but the girl didn't answer. Jaehyun knitted his brows together before looking over at Hyerin's face assuming that she's already sleeping and he was right.

"This girl..." Jaehyun mumbled to himself before standing up heading towards Hyerin's closet to grab her pajamas. He immediately went back to her bed and sat beside the sleeping girl.

He unbuttoned her jeans before pulling it off of her and slipping on her pajama. He then took off her top, he stopped for a minute staring at Hyerin's collarbones and neck.

Don't do it...

Jaehyun shut his eyes tightly for a bit, trying to fight the urge to give the soft and flawless skin on her chest a hickey but failed to do so.

Just one...

Jaehyun leaned down and started kissing her neck, licking it down to her collarbone and her chest. He sucked, bit and licked her chest until a purple bruise was formed on it. He smiled, satisfied at what he did before putting his hoodie, that she stole from him, on her.

He stared at Hyerin for a minute before leaning down to gave her a peck on her lips.

"Good night, love." Jaehyun mumbled to her, he kissed her forehead before walking out of the room.

"Where's Hyerin?" Taeyong asked Jaehyun as soon as he entered the kitchen to grab some drinks.

"Sleeping, she's tired." Jaehyun simply said before finishing his juice. He placed the used glass on the sink before talking, "I'm gonna go back, i'm already tired too."

"Liar, you're just saying that because the baby's asleep already." Taeyong said, Jaehyun just shrugged at him before marching out of the kitchen.

"Yo, guys. Hyerin's asleep so don't bother her anymore and i'm going back to our floor. Sleeping." Jaehyun said, getting his jacket and card keys before walking out of the girls' dorm.

Jaehyun silently walked towards the elevator, patiently waiting for it to arrive. He immediately stepped in and pushed the 10th button, when he felt the elevator moving he just rested his back against the cold metal wall, he shot his head upwards and closed his eyes, heaving out a deep sigh.

"Bae, when will you be ready?" Jaehyun asked, staring right at Hyerin's eyes. The girl just glanced at him before shifting her eyes somewhere.

"I don't know.. i'm still not ready, Jae. Don't you think this is going too fast? We just met last year.." Hyerin said, confused.

"But i like you..." Jaehyun whispered, grabbing Hyerin's arm to pull her in to a hug. Hyerin wrapped his arms around his waist and buried her face to his chest.

"I like you too but.. i.. i just want to focus on trainings. I haven't even debuted properly, Jae. I want to focus on it first." Hyerin said. Jaehyun just closed his eyes and tightened his arms around her, kissing the top of her head.

"I'm sorry if i keep on pressuring you, i'll wait for you." Jaehyun softly said.

Jaehyun shot his eyes open when he heard the elevator's ding, signalling that he already reached his floor. He immediately stepped out of it and marched to their dorm.

After taking a quick bath and changing into a more comfortable clothes, he immediately launched his body to his bed.

He closed his eyes for a moment before opening it again, he stared at his phone that is placed at his nightstand for a moment before reaching for it, he opened it and the face of Hyerin flashed before his eyes.

His lockscreen was Hyerin's face sleeping peacefully. Jaehyun sighed one last time before placing it back at his nightstand, closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.


Jaehyun woke up to the sound of his phone ringing loudly, he mindlessly picked it up and answered the call.

"Hello?" He drowsily said, his voice sounding deep and husky.

"Jung Jaehyun, you idiot!!!"

"Jung Jaehyun, you idiot!!!"

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