Chapter 3

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"So, what is this something important you want to talk about?" Seonmi asked as soon as they reached Hyerin's apartment

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"So, what is this something important you want to talk about?" Seonmi asked as soon as they reached Hyerin's apartment. She immediately sat on the sofa.

"I'm just gonna change, do you want to borrow my clothes?" Hyerin asked now feeling uncomfortable in her school uniform. Seonmi shook her head while playing with Neji, who's now laying on Seonmi's lap. Hyerin just nodded before entering her room.

She sighed as she saw her bed messy, courtesy of Neji. Neji has this habit of messing with Hyerin's bed when she's bored. She decided to tidy up her bed first before changing into comfortable clothes.

She heard her phone dinged inside her pocket, signalling that someone texted her. When she saw who's the sender she immediately opened his message.

Hey, where's my daily
dose of Neji pics? :(

She just laughed before heading to her apartment's living room. She took a pic of Neji playing with Seonmi, sending it to Jaemin.

She headed in the kitchen, grabbing snacks and food enough for her and Seonmi then she brought it to the living room. As soon as she sat beside Seonmi, her phone dinged again. She opened Jaemin's message.

"Ooh, who you texting with?" Seonmi asked, peeking through her shoulder.

Is that your sister?

Seonmi screeched when she saw who the sender was, Hyerin glared at her for screaming at her ears.

"What the hell is wrong with you, dude!" Hyerin exclaimed. Seonmi apologetically smiled before talking.

"You and Jaemin are textmates!! How lucky can you get!?" Seonmi said, thrashing around her sit. Hyerin shrugged, grabbing the snack she brought.

"Lucky enough to be scouted in SM, i guess?" Hyerin said while munching on her snack, Seonmi on the other hand was sipping her juice when Hyerin's words properly sunk on her head.

Seonmi's eyes widening, she spit out the juice she was drinking on Hyerin's face. Hyerin immediately stood up, glaring at Seonmi.

"Yah, Cha Seonmi!! What the hell!?" She said angrily. She clicked on her tongue before marching inside her room. Seonmi decided to follow her inside her room.

"Baeeee, you're gonna be a trainee now. You'll always be absent, and i will be lonely in school. Sooner or later, you will debut then you'll become famous then you'll forget about me," Seonmi blabbered, acting sad. Hyerin just rolled her eyes at her friend's dramatic ass.

"I haven't even said yes to it.." she whispered but Seonmi still heard what she said.


"Cha, i don't even know if i'll pass. Even if i pass, i don't know if i'll fit in. Besides, it's never really my dream to be an idol. I think i'll just make a fool of myself out there," she explained, changing her wet clothes into a plain oversized black shirt.

She headed in her bathroom, washing her now sticky face. Seonmi following her inside.

"Bae, i believe in you. I know you can do this. You have the looks! You can sing, you can dance! I've seen you popping here and there. Heck, you're one hell of a talented girl! You'll make it in there, Bae. You're born to be there! I know it's not your dream to debut as an idol but can you at least try? Just for... for Minji.." Seonmi said, the last words coming out of her mouth as a whisper but Hyerin still heard it.

Minji... Yook Minji is their bestfriend. Minji always tells Hyerin that she will pass an idol everytime Hyerin sings infront of her.

"Hyerin-ah, why don't you try auditioning in different companies? I think you're born to be an idol," Minji said, smiling at her bestfriend. Hyerin just shook her head at her friend's comment.

"I don't know, Minji. You know i hate spotlights." Hyerin said, fidgeting with her fingers. She felt Minji patting her head

"You know what i always tell you guys, right?" Minji said, brushing Hyerin's hair with her fingers.

"Live life to the fullest?" Hyerin said, Minji smiled while nodding her head.

"You can't really live your life to the fullest when your always inside your comfort zone, try coming out of it, yeah? Try stepping out of it, and maybe you can see the wonders of your life that you can't see inside of your shelter. Sometimes, you just need to take risks for you to be fully happy. I want you to be happy inside and outside of your comfort zone, yeah?" Minji said, smiling at her. Hyerin nodded at her smiling.

"Do you think she'll come back here?" Hyerin asked, remembering their older friend. A tear flowed down her cheek, she quickly wiped it.

"Do.. do you think... she recovered from her--" Hyerin was cut off from her question when Seonmi started talking.

"I don't know, Rin. But remember what Minji always told us? Step out of our comfort zone, live life to the fullest." Seonmi said.

"But do you think i can make it?" Hyerin asked, still hesitant about the idea of becoming a trainee. Seonmi smiled at her question

"I believe in you, Rin. We believe in you. I know you can make it, you're strong and brave, you'll make it, Bae." Seonmi assured her.

"What if.. what if--" Hyerin was cut off when Seonmi held her shoulders firmly.

"Bae, look at me," Hyerin lifted her head and stared at Seonmi's face, "Always remember this. When you think no one believes in you, always remember that i will be with you. Minji will be with you, We will be your top fans. We will always support you. Okay? If you think everyone is turning their backs at you, always remember that i am there facing you, cheering for you, alright? I will be your supporter from the beginning til the end of it. I will be with you. So, stop overthinking too much and just give it a shot, okay? If everything fails, it's alright at least you tried okay? Me and Minji will still be proud of you. Now stop being a pussy and hit that number already." Seonmi said, encouraging her. She just laughed at the last sentence nodding at her friend.

"I'm glad i have you, Mi. You're a blessing from below," She joked, Seonmi just rolled her eyes at Seonmi.

"Oh, shut up. You're literally the bad influence here." Seonmi said stepping out of the bathroom. She followed her and headed to her bedside table, gripping the calling card in her hands.

"It's now or never," she mumbled to herself before deciding to call the number of Lee Zena.

"It's now or never," she mumbled to herself before deciding to call the number of Lee Zena

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