Chapter 11

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"Yo, guys! Wake up!! It's already 7:30 am!! We still need to practice!!" Nishiya yelled at them

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"Yo, guys! Wake up!! It's already 7:30 am!! We still need to practice!!" Nishiya yelled at them. She was the first one to wake up, looking at her left side was the three girls that's still in deep slumber.

They decided to just sleep on the living room, getting the cusions of their beds and putting it together in the living room.

Saehwi was on the far left side, clinging onto Hyerin who was in between her and Daehwi. Hyerin was curled up sleeping peacefully, while Daehwi's body on the other hand was outstretched. Her feet dangling on Hyerin's up to Saehwi's legs.

Nishiya just chuckled at the sight before taking a picture of the three of them. She then decided to send it to their group chat.


You guys look cute.
*attached photo*

She just stretched her arms before deciding to stand up. She immediately went to her room to take a shower.

Saehwi was the second one to wake up, she squinted her eyes looking at her surroundings before her eyes landed at her twin and Hyerin she just smiled before deciding to stand up, heading towards the kitchen to cook their breakfast.

Saehwi and Nishiya knows how to cook. Daehwi knows a little bit, but Saehwi cooks for them most of the time. Saying she likes seeing people eat her food, but sometimes if she's too tired to even move a muscle, Nishiya cooks for them or they order it.

Nishiya entered the kitchen and saw Saehwi cooking, she poked Saehwi's back and greeted her goodmorning.

"I'll finish this up, go wake those two heavy sleepers up." Nishiya said, taking over the garlic rice she was cooking. Saehwi just nodded at her before going back to the living room.

"Hey, wake up!" She shouted at her twin, hitting her face with a pillow at several times until Daehwi slowly opened her eyes grunting. She rubbed her eyes before looking at Saehwi, the latter just laughed seeing her state.

"Fuck you," Daehwi said before hitting her back with a pillow.

"Yeah, good morning to you too. Go, take a bath. We still have a practice you know?" Saehwi said, Daehwi just rolled her eyes at her before stomping her way towards her room.

"Hey, wake up. My little baby," Saehwi softly said, gently shaking Hyerin. Hyerin softly grunted before slowly opening her eyes.

The first thing she saw was Saehwi's smiling face. She rubbed her eyes while sitting, yawning. Saehwi just chuckled at her cuteness.

"You're so cute. By the way, good morning. Nishiya's cooking our breakfast, go take a bath while i clean up here."

"Do you have any clothes?" Saehwi asked, Hyerin just nodded her head as a response.
"Okay, you can take a bath at my room. If you need a toothbrush, i have a spare there. The light blue one, i haven't used it." Saehwi said, pointing at a door. Hyerin just nodded her head, still not in the mood to talk, before picking up her bag and heading towards Saehwi's room.

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