Chapter 33

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“Let's take a five minute break before proceeding in doing the couple shot

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“Let's take a five minute break before proceeding in doing the couple shot. Taeyong and Hyerin, be ready.” The director instructed, the rest of them just nodded in response before going to their respective areas.

“Bae Hyerin,” Hyerin immediately turned her head after hearing the familiar deep voice of Taeyong.

“Yes?” Hyerin answered, arching a brow at Taeyong. Taeyong strode his way towards her, a magazine on his hand.

“Look, director said we should look at this because this is what he wants for the couple theme later. Something like that,” Taeyong explained handing her the magazine, Hyerin took the magazine. She scanned through the pictures, flipping the pages by the second.

“Isn't this a little bit...” Hyerin trailed off, carefully scanning the pictures. Mentally taking note of the posture of the models.

“A bit too intimate? Yeah, i think so too,”  Taeyong said leaning onto Hyerin to also look at the pictures she was looking at.

The two of them scanned the whole magazine, giving some comments and ideas on how they will be doing the shoot later.

“We're doing couple rings, bracelets, necklace and clothes right?” Hyerin asked Taeyong, the latter just simply nodded in response before going to their dressing room.

Hyerin shrugged before going to where the girls are. A loud sigh escaping her lips as soon as she sat on the comfortable and soft chair.

She closed her eyes, resting her head against the back rest to rest for awhile before the couple shoot begins. She was like that for a minute before a knock was suddenly heard on the door.

“Bae Hyerin, the shoot is about to start in 5 minutes, be ready by then.” The staff said, Hyerin nodded in response before going to her spot where her make up will be done.

I'm tired, i wanna go home.


“Okay, beautiful! Try another pose,” The photographer said, Taeyong and Hyerin changing their pose.

The both of them are now in the middle of their couple shoot, they were already done with the clothes so they are now doing the shots with the accessories. The rest of the members in the side, sliently watching as the two pose infront of the camera.

“Try getting a bit more closer,” The photographer said, waving his hands signalling for them to stand with each other closer. Hyerin awkwardly scooted closer to Taeyong, a hand around his neck while the other one was on his chest.

Taeyong feeling that the girl was tensed up, he slightly squeezed the girls waist before whispering something to her, “Relax, Bae. This will be done sooner, don't worry,” Hyerin looked straight at Taeyongs eyes, giving him a soft smile, the guy just smiled back at him and then the photographer took this as an opportunity and took a picture.

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