Chapter 17

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"Highway to heaven

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"Highway to heaven..." Hyerin finished off their performance with the adlibs she added on the end and ended it with their ending pose with her in the middle.

Their was a long pause of silence before a round of applause rang inside the venue.

Suprisingly, the whole venue was filled with people in the middle of their performance. People came flooding in and they were surprised but still continued their performance.

NCT arrived at the venue right before their performance started, the girls just waved at taahem while going to their positions.

Hyerin looked around for that one particular face but there was none. The girl felt disappointed but decided to not to show it and just focused on their performance.

When the bridge came, a person who came in breathing heavily caught Hyerin's attention.

There she saw the person she's been looking for the entire time, Jaehyun. At the sight of his face, Hyerin face beamed of happiness before singing her part.

All throughout the remaining performance Hyerin would occasionally glance at Jaehyun. Everytime their eyes would lock, they would smile at each other.

The audience didn't notice the ocassional exchange between them but these didn't go unnoticed by the boys beside Jaehyun.

The girls formed a straight line, holding each others' hands giving the audience a one last bow before going backstage.

As soon as they exited the stage, the girls started squealing in excitement, forming a circle and jumping, a big smile spread across their faces. They hugged each other tightly not minding the sweat of one another.

"Oh my god!! We actually made it!!" Daehwi squealed.

"Oh my gosh!! Daehwi can actually die now, we don't need her anymore!!" Saehwi jokingly squealed, her twin pulling her hair lightly.

Their little celebration were cut off by their instructor's claps. The girls broke off their group hug before facing their instructor, a wide grin is plastered on her face.

"My children. You made it!! I told you, you can make it!! I'm so proud of you four!!" Yeonmi said, jumping at them leading into another group hug.

"Hyerin-ah!!!" Hyerin immediatly broke out of the hug when she heard the familiar voicd of her bestfriend, Seonmi, smiling widely at her with her arms wide open gesturing for a hug. She smiled at her before walking towards her, giving her a tight hug.

"You guys bombed it!! I'm so proud of you." Seonmi said, a warm smile plastered on her face.

"Thanks for coming, Mi. Badly needed you there" Hyerin chuckled, remembering the time where she would occasionally glance at Seonmi's side when nervourness hits her. Seonmi would just give her a nod and a thumbs up, a proud smile spread across her face.

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