Chapter 25

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"Ugh, i am soooo tired!" Daehwi whined as soon as they entered their dorm

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"Ugh, i am soooo tired!" Daehwi whined as soon as they entered their dorm. The girls just silently walked towards their rooms, muttering a low 'good night' to one another before entering their rooms.

Hyerin heaved out a deep sigh as soon as she laid on her bed, feeling the comforts of her bed. She closed her eyes, putting her forearm above her forehead. She was about to fall to sleep when she felt her phone vibrate from her pocket. She mindlessly answered the call.

"Hello?" She sleepily said, eyes still closed. She heard a familiar deep chuckle on the other line.

"Are you sleeping? Sorry if i disturbed your sleep." Taeyong asked, concern visible on his tone.

"Ah, no... I was just resting for a while, haven't even changed my clothes. What is it?" Hyerin asked, trying to keep her voice as bright as possible.

"Oh yeah, i look forward on working with you!" Taeyong gleefully said, excitement running through his vein. Her words made Hyerin's face scrunched up in confusion.

"What work?" Hyerin asked, confusion visible on her tone.

"Oh? You still don't know? I guess your manager haven't said it yet but, anyways, the company just contacted my manager awhile ago saying i will be doing a photoshoot with you next week for a certain brand." Taeyong explained which made Hyerin's mouth hung open. She went speechless for a moment that Taeyong she dropped the call.

"Hello? Hyerin-ah? Are you still there?" Taeyong spoke up making Hyerin snap out of her trance, she hurriedly pick up her phone.

"Oh, uh.. sorry, i just-- i was surprised! But, uh-- is it going to be just the two of us?" Hyerin asked.

"Hmm, my manager said that there will be group photoshoots. Uhm, so.. how do i explain this.. uh.. so there will be group photoshoot for us, boys, and for you guys. This brand they are like promoting accessories and clothes for male and female and it will also include couple clothes and accessories and my manager informed me that i will be involved in the couple shoot, you will be partnered with me." Taeyong explained, Hyerin nodding her head when she understood.

"Oh, okay! Uhm, I look forward to working with you too!" Hyerin gleefully said. They just bid each other goodbyes before deciding to end the call.

Right when the call ended someone knocked on the door of Hyerin's bedroom, she shot her head up looking at her door she was about to speak when she heard the familiar voice of their manager.

"Hyerin? Can you go out for a second please? I have to say something important." Their manager said, Hyerin immediately stood up marching towards her door.

"Did you forgot something, manager?" Nishiya asked as soon as the four of them were all settled in the living room.

"The company called---"

"Yes, me and Jungwoo are dating manager and i will not break up with him." Saehwi bravely said, sitting with all of her glory. Their manager just gave her a confused look before talking.

"I wasn't gonna talk about that, Saehwi. Shut your mouth---"

"No, i am not dating any member if that's what you are trying to say---"

"GOD DAMN IT, LET ME FINISH WILL YOU!?" Their manager yelled frustratedly making the four girls silent, lips pressed in a thin line.

"Anyways, as i was saying before i was rudely interrupted, i have an important announcement. I will cut to the chase, the company called saying a certain famous brand called them asking if you are available to be the ambassadress for their newest product." Their manager announced, the girls remained silent except for Daehwi who gasped loudly, shocked at the news their manager announced.

"WAIT--- NO SHIT!?" Daehwi loudlu exclaimed, shock still visible on her face. Their manager rolled his eyes at the girl before talking again.

"Yes, no shit. So, i'm guessing the three of you already know since you didn't react like what this idiot did right here." Their manager deadpanned, the three girls just chuckled as a response while a pout was formed on Daehwi's face.

"So, Daehwi, i know you don't know but you will be promoting together with NCT 127. The photoshoot will be held next week." Their manager explained at Daehwi, who's now smiling widely. Their manager just lightly tapped the girl's cheek before averting his gaze to Hyerin.

"And Hyerin, you already know about your couple shoot with Taeyong, right?" Their manager said, Hyerin just nodded while the other three girls' mouth went agape.

"Wait, you're doing a couple shoot with Taeyong?" Saehwi asked, brows knitted together. Hyerin just nodded in response.

"But, why with Taeyong? Why not with Jaehyun?" Daehwi asked to their manager, their manager just shrugged.

"Well, it's not like i decided who will be in the shoot. The company's CEO personally liked Taeyong and Hyerin to model their couple things, it's not like they know something's going on between Hyerin and Jaehyun. But anyways, Hyerin you do know that you and Taeyong are being shipped by the fans right now, right? Your loveteam in the internet exploded after their music show win, your interaction became a hot topic all over the internet. What shit do they call your loveteam again?" Their manager blabbered, snapping his fingers trying to remember Taeyong and Hyerin's ship name.

"Taerin," Nishiya said while looking at her phone before showing them some videos of Taeyong and Hyerin's interaction on NCT 127's music show win, the video even have a romantic music background to make it look more romantic.

"Oh shit. Look at this edits, fans are amazing at this." Daehwi said while scrolling at her phone, the other three girls including their manager peeked in Daehwi's phone. They were amazed at how clean and neat the edits were, it looked real.

"Yeah, TaeRin is a hot thing all over the internet now. I'm guessing that's why their CEO requested for you and Taeyong to do the couple shoot mainly because it will attract potential customers." Their manager concluded, they just nodded signalling that they understood what he said.

"That's all, you can rest now. You have a jam packed schedule tomorrow so rest well, okay? Good night, i'm going now. Tomorrow, i'll pick you up at 8 am then we will head straight to the JTBC building." Their manager said, he bid his one last good bye before leaving their dorm.

"The industry better get ready because model Daehwi is coming."

y'all the biggest flex czennies can brag is the fact that sm got their position in big 3 back because of NCT Dream

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y'all the biggest flex czennies can brag is the fact that sm got their position in big 3 back because of NCT Dream.

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