Chapter 47

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"We're going to KWANGYA~" Daehwi sang for the umpteenth time for that day

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"We're going to KWANGYA~" Daehwi sang for the umpteenth time for that day.

"Daehwi, shut the fuck up!" Saehwi yelled, smacking the taller's arm. The said girl just hissed but continued humming nonetheless.

They were done for their recordings, they were now heading on the practice rooms to learn the choreography of their song.

On the way to where the practice rooms were located, they met the members of NCT DREAM with Haechan being loud, as usual.

"Hello, EPiC!" Haechan greeted, waving at the girls which caught the other boys' attention, they waved at them too. The girls waving back in a heartbeat.

"Learning choreos?" Haechan asked as he approached the girls, his other members followed suit, taking interests on their hoobaes.

"Ah, yes. We're done with our recordings and now we're going to practice for the choreography." Daehwi said, swinging an arm on her smaller twin.

"Oh, wow. We have the same schedule? When's the date of your comeback?" Chenle asked, stepping closer to the girls.

"Maybe before this month ends. Around 28 to 30?" Saehwi answered with a questioning tone lilt to it.

"If that's the case then we're probably doing promotions together." Mark shrugges, an arm slung around their maknae's shoulders.

"In that case, let us all stop gossiping and go to our designated practice rooms. Come on, no time to waste." Renjun said, clapping his hands to cheer for his members who groaned in disapproval.

"I hate this." Jaemin groaned, shoulders slumped down while lazily walking towards the practice room that is just beside the practice room that the girls will occupy for most of the time.

"Talk to you later," Haechan bid his goodbye, shooting a salute and a playful wink at the girls before jogging inside their practice room.

"Fighting!" Mark said, the girls just smiled at his lively spirit.

"Yeah, fighting." Nishiya said before all of them dispersed into their own designated practice rooms.

"Ah, how i've missed the smell of your odors.." Daehwi said, inhaling the scent as if trying to be nostalgic. Her twin just threw her a look of disgust before going elsewhere that's far away from her weird-ass twin.

"Hmm-hmm~" Daehwi continued on her humming, experiencing a LSS on their own unreleased song.

"Daehwi, shut the fuck up or i will literally pull your esophagus out of your body," Saehwi threatened, glaring at her twin, both of her hands on her hips.

"Alright, i'll shut up. Chill, mama." Daehwi said, lifting both of her hands in surrender.

"What's got you so riled up?" Nishiya asked, handing Saehwi a bottle of water. Saehwi grabbed it and chug the whole bottle in one gulp.

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