Chapter 34

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"You said you'll take it off!" Hyerin exclaimed as soon as Jaehyun entered her room, a pillow welcoming his face

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"You said you'll take it off!" Hyerin exclaimed as soon as Jaehyun entered her room, a pillow welcoming his face.

"Huh? Who said that? I said nothing, baby." Jaehyun tried playing innocent, making her way towards the girl who's sitting on her bed, her back resting on the headboard.

"Don't act dumb, Jaehyun! I swear, if rumors---"

"Rumors! There we go again with the rumors, Bae Hyerin! What if rumors of us leak!? It doesn't matter, Bae! It's not rumors, it's facts!" Jaehyun yelled, cutting Hyerin off her rant.

"What facts? That we are dating? No, Jaehyun, we are not dating! You know how these rumors will affect us, will affect our careers! Jaehyun! You should know, you're longer in this industry than i am, you should know how this works!" Hyerin exclaimed. Jaehyun just scoffed at the girl.

"I don't care what they say--"

"Well, i do! Okay!? So, stop it already!" Hyerin cut off, Jaehyun just stared at her making Hyerin stare back at him.

The two of them just stared at each other, not moving, not uttering a single word. Hyerin heaved out a deep sigh after making up her mind.

Maybe this is for the best. Hyerin mentally said, staring at the guy's face before opening her mouth to say the words that she knew will hurt the both of them.

"Maybe we should stop this," Hyerin coldly said, averting her gaze elsewhere to avoid the guy's stares. She can see in her peripheral vision the change of mood in Jaehyun.

"What are you saying?" Jaehyun asked, not believing what he had just heard from the girl. Hyerin glanced at him before lowering her gaze.

"We should stop this, what we have-- we should stop." Hyerin lowly said, pressing her fingers at her palm.

"We're not even starting, why the hell would we stop!?" Jaehyun yelled, he angrily marched towards the bed gripping on Hyerin's shoulder.

"Jae, i-i... i don't know. Maybe, this isn't the right time for us. Maybe we're not meant for each other," Hyerin explained.

"What the fuck are you talking about? If we aren't meant for each other then i'll make it happen, i don't care what you say. You are the only one meant for me, you! Bae Hyerin, you! I don't want any other girls, i only want you! I only want Bae Hyerin!" Jaehyun yelled, shaking the girl's shoulders. Hyerin's eyes were now welled up with tears, she inhaled deeply shaking her head.

"No, Jaehyun. This isn't gonna work---"

"Baby, please," Jaehyun plead, Hyerin cannot contain her tears anymore, bursting her bottled emotions all out. Jaehyun immediately hugged the girl, patting the girls back.

"Don't cry, please, don't cry." Jaehyun softly said, still patting the girls back. Hyerin could only tighten her grip on the hem of Jaehyun's black shirt, burying her face deeper onto the crook of his neck trying to calm herself down with his familiar manly scent.

"I'm so sorry," Jaehyun said, giving her temple little pecks while whispering his sorry on her ear over and over again.

The two of them fell silent for a moment, Jaehyun just kept soothing the girls while Hyerin was calming herself down.

"I'm so sorry for what i've said, Jae. That was so insensitive, i'm sorry..." Hyerin whispered, little sniffs can be heard along with her heavy breathes. Jaehyun just ran his hand through her hair, gently kissing her forehead.

"It's fine, baby. It's fine, it was my fault, i acted rash, i didn't thought about how it will affect you. I'm so sorry, sorry.. Please, don't cry." Jaehyun softly said, giving pecks on Hyerin's head every now and then.

Hyerin nodded before lifting her head to meet his soft gaze, giving him a soft smile before rising up to give him a kiss on the lips.

"I love you..." Hyerin whispered making Jaehyun froze in his place, staring at Hyerin's face with a shocked expression.

Hyerin lightly giggled at his reaction, standing up to head to the bathroom connected to her bedroom to wash her face.

A few minutes after Hyerin closed the door, someone literally banged through the door, voice of Jaehyun can be heard afterwards.

"Yah, Hyerin! You can't just take off after saying that! Come outside this instant!" Jaehyun yelled on the other side making Hyerin.

"Shut up! Let me finish my night routines!" Hyerin replied, applying some cream on her face before rubbing it all over her face.

"Do that later! I want you outside this instant!" Jaehyun demanded but Hyerin just ignored him, doing her skin care routine and then brushing her teeth afterwards.

"Yah, Bae Hyerin!" Jaehyun yelled, banging at the door again. Hyerin rolled her eyes before looking at the door in annoyance.

"What!?" Hyerin growled after harshly opening the door, Hyerin's annoyed face displayed right infront of the guy's face.

"Say that again," Jaehyun demanded as soon as Hyerin stepped out from the bathroom, arms folded infront of his chest as his eyes followed her every movements.

"Say 'what' again?" Hyerin asked, obviously trying to play innocent but Jaehyun wasn't having any of it, poking his tongue on his inner cheek giving Hyerin a look.

"What?" Hyerin asked again after a long pause of silence because Jaehyun just stared at her. Jaehyun's hand going on his hip, arching a brow at the girl but still not talking.

Hyerin just shrugged, completely dismissing his existence in her room. She lifted the duvet to lay comfortably on the bed before covering it on her body. She turned off the lights ready to sleep when she heard Jaehyun's grunt.

"This girl, really..." Jaehyun whispered but Hyerin still heard it making her snicker.

"What are you grunting there?" Hyerin asked, turning around to face Jaehyun who is still standing infront of the bathroom door.

"Shut up, at least let your girlfriend have her rest," Hyerin deadpanned before closing her eyes ready to drift off to wonderland. She felt the other side of the sink, along with the manly familiar scent of Jaehyun. A hand snaking on her waist before she heard Jaehyun whispered.

"We will talk about this tomorrow, Bae. Don't you dare try to hide from me." Jaehyun threatened, Hyerin just smiled eyes still closed. Jaehyun pulled her closer to him, burying her face on his chest while his chin is resting on her head.

"Good night, baby. I love you," Jaehyun whispered, kissing Hyerin's head before finally closing his eyes.

"I love you, Jae." Hyerin replied before finally drifting off to wonderland.

" Hyerin replied before finally drifting off to wonderland

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Aww, soft hours.

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