Chapter 29

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Hyerin was alone in their waiting room wrapped up in a thick coat, busy scrolling through her phone with a snack bar on her other hand when Jisung came inside

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Hyerin was alone in their waiting room wrapped up in a thick coat, busy scrolling through her phone with a snack bar on her other hand when Jisung came inside.

"Hey," Jisung greeted before making his way to where their backpacks were placed, getting his phone before sitting beside Hyerin. Hyerin yawned tired from all their activities before shutting her phone off and resting her head on Jisung's shoulder. Jisung shortly glanced at her before returning his gaze on his phone, focusing on the game he's playing.

Jisung was busy playing on his phone when he suddenly heard soft snores from the girl beside him, he slightly chuckled before exiting the game and opening the camera. He took several pictures of the sleeping girl, him making silly faces while taking pictures before sending it to his group's group chat and also sending it to their group where the three of them (Jisung, Hyerin, Beomgyu) are the only members.

GC for 3

Yo, Hyerin, wake up.
*attached photo*

You look silly.

Jisung just rolled his eyes before opening the game he was playing. He was on the middle of the game when an unexpected call from an unexpected person cut his gaming.

Jaehyun-hyung calling...

Jisung stared at his phone in confusion for a moment, brows knitted together before picking up the call.

"Hello, hyung?" Jisung hesitantly said, brows still knitted together in confusion.

"Jisung are you done with your schedule in Inkigayo for today?" Jaehyun asked on the other line.

"Yes, hyung. I'm just waiting for our manager to arrive so i can go home," Jisung explained, he felt Hyerin slightly stir on his shoulder so he slightly brushed Hyerin's hair trying to soothe her

"How about Hyerin? Is she still there with you?" Jaehyun asked, Jisung smirked knowing too well that Hyerin is the main reason why he called in the first place.

"Yes, hyung. She's too tired so she fell asleep. She's even snoring," Jisung lightly said which caused for Jaehyun to chuckle lightly on the other line.

"Take care of her for awhile, yeah? She has too many served on her plate right now so... Do me a favor and take care of her, i know the three of you hang out most of the time so always make sure she eats many and always ask her how she feels. If you see her struggling or you can feel that she's exhausted always remind her to not overwork herself and get some rest." Jaehyun adviced on the other line, Jisung listening intently on what his hyung is saying.

"Yes, hyung. I will." Jisung replied shortly while patting Hyerin's head.

"That goes for you too, Park Jisung. Take care of yourself and don't overwork yourself too much or you might collapse. That's all, remember what i said. Good bye, Sung. I still have some tapings to do,"

Jaehyun and Jisung bid their good byes to one another before finally ending the call. Jisung sighed recalling the things Jaehyun said. He glanced at Hyerin before carefully placing her head on his lap. Hyerin scrunched up his nose before her face returned to its calm state.

Jisung just smiled at her peaceful face before brushing her hair with his fingers. Unbeknownst to the young boy, a man has been secretly peeking on the slightly opened door of the MCs waiting room, secretly taking pictures of the two.

The man smirked before retreating from the room, satisfied with the pictures he took.

"Well, this is some tea right here."


"Yo, wassup." Hyerin boyishly greeted the two guys in the waiting room. Giving them a manly handshake which confused the two guys.

"What's up with her?" Beomgyu asked Jisung, whispering. Jisung just shrugged in response, the two of them staring at Hyerin who's now busy talking with her manager.

Beomgyu was still busy looking confused at Hyerin's happy figure when a happening suddenly popped on his head causing for a wide grin to appear on his face.

"Now, what's wrong with you?" Jisung asked, now facing him confusion visible on his face. Beomgyu just snickered before waving his hands dismissing the guy.

"I'll tell you later," Beomgyu said, brows moving up and down. Jisung just gave him a weird look before returning his gaze on his phone.

When Hyerin walked out of the changing room, she was immediately led to one of those tables with bright lights on the side of the mirror to do her make up. She was busy staring at her face when Beomgyu and Jisung suddenly stood beside her chair.

"Hey, Bae. I have something to show you," Beomgyu exclaimed beside her, Hyerin looked at him through the mirror raising a brow at him. Beomgyu just sheepishly smiled before taking out his phone from his pocket, tapping right here and there before flashing the phone infront of her.

Hyerin squinted her eyes, trying to figure out what's with the blurry picture Beomgyu had just shown her, Jisung's forehead creasing in confusion peeking at Beomgyu's phone too.

"You know, you take pictures poorly." Hyerin criticized, looking at Beomgyu through the mirror giving up on trying to see through the blurry pic. Beomgyu gave her a confused look before looking at his phone.

"Wait, no- This isn't it," Beomgyu exclaimed, scratching the back of his head before sliding to the next picture. He handed his phone to Hyerin before giving her a teasing look, Hyerin just gave him a confused look before looking at his phone.

Hyerin's eyes widened when she saw the picture; a picture of her and Jisung. Hyerin was sleeping, head resting on Jisung's lap while Jisung's hand was on her hair, him staring at her face.

One look and anyone will conclude that they are in a relationship- or at least, Jisung is inlove with the girl.

Hyerin immediately deleted the picture in panic before tossing the phone back to its owner who's now grinning like an idiot.

"Quit smiling please, you look like an idiot."


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