Chapter 13

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"Those two giants are getting along very well," Nishiya whispered to Hyerin

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"Those two giants are getting along very well," Nishiya whispered to Hyerin. Hyerin just chuckled while nodding.

The eight of them are now heading towards the chicken place near the SM building. Wearing caps and face masks.

Johnny is walking beside Daehwi, Taeyong with Saehwi, Nishiya with Hyerin and Yuta with Jaehyun behind them.

Haechan couldn't come saying he have a Vlive with the dream later and will just come after if he can.

"I guess it's just a giant thing," Hyerin whispered back, both of them giggling at Hyerin's joke.

Saehwi noticed their small giggles and looked back at them, Taeyong following her gaze.

"What are you giggling at?" Saehwi asked, raising a brow at them. Nishiya and Hyerin shaking their heads, a smile still plastered on her face.

Hyerin stopped on her tracks when she felt her phone from her pocket vibrate. Nishiya and the two guys behind them stopping also.

"Uh, you can go first. I'll just take this call." Hyerin said, Nishiya just nodded her head before walking. Yuta following him afterwards.

"I'll wait for you," Jaehyun said, looking at her. He walked a bit far to gave Hyerin some privacy. Hyerin answered Seonmi's call.

"Hey, mi. What's up?"

"Uhm, are you on your way

"Not yet, why? Did something happen?
Are you okay? Is Neji okay?"

She started panicking, worry visible on her face and tone. She heard Seonmi laughed on the other line before talking.

"Silly, nothing happened! Stop
worrying. I was just gonna ask
for you to bring snacks on your
way home."

"I thought something happened.
Uh, i'm going to eat at a chicken
place near the SM building.
Do you want chicken? I'll buy some
after if you want."

"Chicken sounds nice!
I want spicy and barbeque
flavored, okay?"

"Sure, anything else?"

"Buy some cola too, you've
ran out of stocks. I also ate up
all of your chocolates, hehe."

"What the hell, Seonmi!"

"I know, what the hell, Seonmi!
I'm sorry, okay? I'm bored and

"Whatever. Is that all
you want?"

"Yep, thank you! Eat lots
of food, okay? Be careful
on your way home. Love u!"

"Yeah, you too. Be careful.
Love you too."

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