Chapter 30

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"Tomorrow's the day of our shoot! I can't wait!!" Daehwi exclaimed, her walks turning into a slight jump with a wide smile plastered on her face

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"Tomorrow's the day of our shoot! I can't wait!!" Daehwi exclaimed, her walks turning into a slight jump with a wide smile plastered on her face.

"Can you please stop being weird and catch everyone's attention? I swear if we get bull--"

"Oh? Isn't that Daehwi from EPIC?" Saehwi was cut off of her sentence when she heard someone near them whispered.

Saehwi furrowed her eyebrows together before shifting her gaze to the girl who's whispering something to one another while looking at them, clearly checking them out.

"Oh? It's EPIC!" One of the girls who was whispering to each other before suddenly shouted causing for the people near them turn their heads to their direction.

Their eyes widened when people started looking at them, some are even making their way towards the shocked girls with a big grin on their faces.

"When i count up to three, we'll run to our different ways okay?" Nishiya whispered to the four of them. The three nodded in response before waiting for the signal.



“3!” With Nishiya's count the four girls parted ways, Hyerin sprinting her way to one of the nearest alley she saw, looking back she still some of the fans following her.

Shit. Hyerin mentally cussed herself, shutting her eyes tight for a second while still trying to get rid of the fans that's been following her.

"Don't they get tired--- mmpf!" Hyerin's voice was muffled when a hand covered her mouth while grabbing her wrist to pull her into a place shutting the door lock.

Hyerin's chest rising and falling fast because of her heavy breathings. She heaved out a one deep sigh before finally lifting her gaze meeting the piercing gaze of the familiar man. The man slightly smiled at him before removing his hand off her mouth.

"Taeyong!" Hyerin exclaimed, surprised to see the familiar manly face of the guy.

Taeyong lightly smiled at her before turning his back to enter the room. Hyerin's gaze wandered around the studio, paintings pinned on the wall, a chandelier hanging on the middle of the ceiling.

Her gaze wandered around, admiring every designs in their until her gaze landed on an uninfinished painting.

A red lips with a yellow painted word 'monroe'

"Monroe, huh?" Hyerin lightly whispered, enough only for her to hear. Hyerin mentally shook her head before turning to face Taeyong.

"This studio is yours?" Hyerin asked, Taeyong glanced at him before returning his gaze to the two cups he's been filling with juice.

"Yup," Taeyong shortly answered, walking towards Hyerin to hand her the glass of juice. Hyerin immediately received the juice, muttering a small 'thanks' before drinking it in one chug.

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