Chapter 7

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"We'll take the highway to heavenand i can't wait to love you all alone~" an angelic voice caught Jaehyun's attention and he immediately followed where the sound is coming from

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"We'll take the highway to heaven
and i can't wait to love you all alone~" an angelic voice caught Jaehyun's attention and he immediately followed where the sound is coming from.

There she saw Hyerin, eyes on her phone. Air pods in her ears as she lightly hummed. Hyerin was about to bump on a glass door when Jaehyun immediately put his hand in her head.

"Watch it," He said in a low voice. Hyerin quickly plucked out her air pods off of her ear before facing Jaehyun. Her cheeks were tinted crimson red in embarrasmment, A smile wanting to form on the guy's face but he stopped it.


"Oh, uhm. Thank you, sunbaenim." Hyerin awkwardly said, bowing to the senior. Jaehyun just stared at the girl.

"Is it okay to request something?" Jaehyun asked his ears now turning red. Hyerin noticed it and she thought it was cute. A smile nearly breaking on her face but she stopped herself.

"What is it, sunbae?" Hyerin asked innocently, her big round eyes staring at Jaehyun's eyes. Jaehyun was stunned, locking eyes for a few seconds before he finally spoke.

"Nevermind, it's kinda weird for me. Haha." Jaehyun said, averting his gaze elsewhere so he won't be struck by her visuals, AGAIN.

"Uhm, it's fine, sunbaenim. What's your request?" Hyerin politely asked, a soft smile plastered on her face. Jaehyun's heart thumping loudly at the sight of her smiling face.

Shit, what the hell is wrong with me?

"Can i... Can i ask for your-.. uhm- uh.. y-your number?" Jaehyun instantly mentally cursed himself for stuttering.

Way to embarras myself further, nice.

"Oh! Uhm.. Sure? S-sure, sunbae! Uh.. just wait a minute," Hyerin nervously said. Jaehyun nodded handing her his phone, Hyerin immediately typed in her number and giving it back to Jaehyun instantly.

"Thank you," Jaehyun said, a smile plastered on his face. His dimples showing making Hyerin's heart thump loudly.

Shit, this is embarrassing! What if he can hear my heart beat?

"No problem, sunbae. I've got to go now, i have a practice." Hyerin politely said, bowing her head. She was about to head on the practice room when a hand gripped her wrist.

"Uhm, i heard you're going to cover our song. Highway to heaven?" Jaehyun asked, Hyerin nodding her head as a response.

"Wow, what a choice of song." Jaehyun teased, giving her a knowing look. Hyerin immediately blushed when she understood what he was trying to say. The song was obviously about sex.

"Oh no, no! Our instructor was the one who chose the song," Hyerin blabbered, face still red in embarrassment. Jaehyun just laughed at her cuteness.

"I know, i was just messing with you." Jaehyun said, a grin still plastered on his face.

"You should get going, i'm sorry for wasting your time. Call me if you need help," Jaehyun said.

"I don't have your number, sunbae." Hyerin joked, a giggle escaping her lips.

"You'll get it later," Jaehyun said at her before walking towards the elevator. Hyerin was still staring at him until he stepped inside the elevator. Jaehyun stared back at her, eyes locking until the door was only a few inches open, Jaehyun winked at her.

"Woah, that's hot.." Hyerin whispered to herself.

"What's hot?" She gasped in shock at the sudden appearance of Saehwi.

"Shit, you startled me!" Hyerin exclaimed, a hand on her chest as her heart was beating erradically.

"Oh, hehe. I'm sorry but what's hot?" Saehwi asked, a cute smile plastered on her face.

"Oh! Uh- uhm.. m-my phone! My phone's hot! Oh, look at that. I've been using it for hours!" Hyerin rambled, holding her phone and blowing it as if it'll cool down the phone. She entered their practice room still rambling about her phone's 'hotness'

Saehwi's eyes following her every movements until she disappeared in her sight. Saehwi just shake his head before talking to herself.

"What a weird little cutie,"

Y'all this is my birthday special, jk!!

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Y'all this is my birthday special, jk!!

vote and comment will be appreciated thank uuu

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