Chapter 1

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As the event ended with the boys singing one last song to their fans, Hyerin sighed in contentment as she leave the venue of the fansigning event

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As the event ended with the boys singing one last song to their fans, Hyerin sighed in contentment as she leave the venue of the fansigning event.

She is nearly on the exit when a woman called her.

"Hello! What's your name?" the woman asked creeping Hyerin out a little. She bowed slightly avoiding to look disrespectful as she asked the woman.

"Uh, i'm sorry but why are you asking for my name?" she asked politely. The woman smiled and pulled something out from her pocket handing it to Hyeri.

"I'm one of SM's staff. Would you like to be a trainee? I think you're really pretty, you will pass as an idol," the woman said making Hyerin's eyes widened in astonishment, she then looked on the card the woman gave to her seeing that it's a calling card of SM.

"U-uhm.. I'm not sure about this..." she said, confused. The woman just smiled at her before talking.

"It's fine, if you happen to change mind don't hesitate calling the number in that card, yeah?" the woman said with a smile on her face, she then offered her hand to Hyerin for a handshake. Hyerin nodded politely while shaking the woman's hand.

"I'm Lee Zena, and you are?" the woman introduced herself

"Bae Hyerin," Hyerin answered shortly, still having an aftershock with the fact that she's asked to be a trainee in one of the Big 3 Companies in South Korea.

"Nice name, well it was nice talking to you. I gotta go, see you around." Zena said, bidding goodbye she shortly waved at Hyerin. Hyerin gave her a bow before deciding to go home.


Once she entered the door she was greeted by her dog, Neji. She smiled then kneeled infront of the dog, scratching her neck.

"Neji-ah, i met your human twin today." she giggled while playing with her dog, the dog just barked at her statement, she just laughed and kissed Neji's head before entering her small apartment.

Neji followed her inside her room, she decided to sit for a bit because her legs are now starting to get sore from all the walking she did today. As she stared at her dog, who's just sitting on the floor staring back at her, she remembered something and hurriedly took it out of her pocket.

"Neji, smileee!!" Hyerin gleefully said while smiling widely, Neji tilted her head, confused why the girl is smiling widely. Hyerin just chuckled at her before sending it to the person who's requesting for the dog's picture.

Hey, Jaemin! It's Hyerin
from the fansigning event.
Here's a pic of Neji
you've been requesting.
*attached photo*

Hyerin just chuckled at her silliness before tossing her phone on her bed, she decided to take a quick bath before changing into her pajamas.

When she opened her phone, she saw a message from Jaemin, she smiled before reading his message

Aww, she's so cute.
I think my heart just busted
uwus. Can i marry her?

Not until she's an adult.
My daughter's still a baby :(

It's okay, i can wait for her.
But she's totally my girl :)

Alright then haha.
I'm going to sleep now,
kinda tired.
Goodnight, Neji's guy!

Oh, okay.
Goodnight, future mother
in law ;)

Hyerin just laughed at his silliness before putting her phone to the bedside table. She then decided to call Neji.

"Neji baby, come here. Sleep beside mommy," she called her dog, the dog immediately jumping on her bed with a card on her mouth.

Hyerin noticed it before taking it from Neji's mouth. It was the calling card from the SM staff, Lee Zena, from the fansigning event. She stared at the calling card, thinking if she's really qualified to be an idol in that Entertainment.

Hyerin shook her head at her thoughts, "The people in their are talented as fuck, i won't fit in.." she mumbled to herself. She tossed the card on her bedside table before turning of the lights.

She cuddled Neji before drifting off to sleep.

Lmao, i just really added sypnosis and banners in every chaps that's why i unpublished the whole book kekekekeke ^3^

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Lmao, i just really added sypnosis and banners in every chaps that's why i unpublished the whole book kekekekeke ^3^

𝚂𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚢, 𝚒 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚍 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚗 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚑𝚎𝚑𝚎𝚑𝚎𝚑𝚎𝚑𝚎

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