Chapter 5

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Nishiya invited Hyerin and the twins to eat outside after their practice and the three of them agreed

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Nishiya invited Hyerin and the twins to eat outside after their practice and the three of them agreed.

"Ah, what an eventful day." Daehwi exclaimed while stretching her arms, Saehwi and Nishiya nodding at her in agreement. Hyerin was finding her phone inside her backpack when she bumped into someone.

She immediately bowed while saying sorry to the person she bumped onto multiple times.

"Wait-- Neji's mom?" The person she bumped on to said in confusion, the three girls gasping.

"Neji's mom?"
"She's a mother already?"
"Sshhh, shut up."

"Neji's mom?-- Oh, Hyerin Bae!" She immediately shot her head upwards seeing her faves again after a week.

"Why are you here? Were you scouted?" Jaemin asked with a toothy grin plastered on his face. She nodded her head.

"Yes, i was actually scouted after the event." She said with a shy smile. Renjun just chuckled at her.

"I told you you're gonna be scouted! Nice seeing you here!" Renjun said. She just smiled at him.

"Oh, by the way. These are my co-trainees. Nishiya, Saehwi and Daehwi." Hyerin introduced the other three girls behind her. The girls just bowed their head, flustered and shy.

"Nishiya, you're a japanese?" Renjun asked, Nishiya just nodded at her.

"She was also scouted," Hyerin said making Renjun nod at her while staring at Nishiya.

"Saehwi and Daehwi are twins," Hyerin said, Jaemin and Renjun nodding. The two boys just asked a few questions to the girls before bidding their goodbyes, saying they have a recording to do.

"Wow, i know you attended NCT Dream's fansign event that's why you got scouted but i never really thought that they will remember your name," Saehwi exclaimed, Hyerin just chuckled at her. Daehwi nudging her twin sister before talking.

"That's rude. Of course they will remember her, with that face? How can anyone forget such beauty?" Daehwi said making Hyerin blush a little. Saehwi waved her hand before talking

"I wasn't trying to say something bad, i was just saying that with a thousand of fans lined up that day they can't really remember each and everyone of them but yeah you've got a point right there. With Hyerin's face how can they forget such beauty?" Saehwi exclaimed, Hyerin just waved her hand denying their conclusions.

"No, it's not like that. I have a dog, her name's Neji. She's a samoyed and Jaemin really likes samoyed that's why he asks for Neji's picture everyday." Hyerin said, the twins nodding their head.

"Ah, that's why Jaemin sunbae called you 'Neji's mom' earlier. I thought you have a child" Daehwi said laughing. Hyerin and Saehwi just laughed with her.

"Nishiya, you're quiet. Are you texting the japanese sunbae again?" Saehwi asked, noticing Nishiya being silent busy with her phone.

"Japanese sunbae?" Hyerin asked Daehwi, whispering.

"Yuta sunbaenim," Daehwi whispered. Hyerin's mouth formed an 'O' while nodding her head.

"Hey, Hyerin. Are you moving into the dorm?" Nishiya asked. Hyerin stopped on her tracks, thinking about it.

"I don't know.. I mean, i have an apartment but it's a little far from here.. but if i move in, no one will take care of Neji" Hyerin explained, Nishiya nodding at her before talking.

"Ah, Neji. As far as i know, pets are allowed in the dorm. You can just move in with her you and ask the aunt dorm to take care of her if we will go to practice," Nishiya explained.

"I'll think about it," Hyerin said. Silence enveloping them as the three girls were focused on their own phones and Hyerin thinking about the whole moving in situation.

"We're here! I heard they serve the best chickens here!" Saehwi exclaimed, running towards the chicken place.

Nishiya was about to enter the place when suddenly four NCT members walked out of the place, Yuta being the first one to exit the place stopping on his tracks when he bumped onto Nishiya who's busy looking at her phone.

"Oh, i'm sorry." Nishiya said bowing before stepping aside, Yuta just stared at the girl before calling her.

"Nishiya?" Yuta said. Nishiya quickly shot up her head, her eyes widening before running inside the chicken place. Hyerin was about to enter the chicken place when her phone rang.

"Hey, Mi. What's up?" She said before walking towards the door of the chicken place.

"Nothing, i just wanna call because i'm bored, bye!" Seonmi said before hanging up. Hyerin just furrowed her brows. She was about to bump on the glass door when someone placed their hands on Hyerin's forehead.

"Watch it," The voice said, Hyerin mentally cursed herself before turning to the person who saved her from bumping on the glass door.

"Thank you, sunbae." She politely said before bowing.

"No problems. I saw you earlier in one of SM's practice room. Are you a new trainee?" Jaehyun asked with a soft smile plastered on his face, his dimples slightly showing. Hyerin just nod her head in response.

"Jung Jaehyun," Jaehyun introduced himself for formality sake.

"Bae Hyerin," Hyerin said shaking the guy's warm hands. Jaehyun just smiled at her, the dimples on his cheek showing.

"Hi, I'm Mark." Mark said, Hyerin also shaking his hand.

"And I'm Johnny." The tallest guy said with a grin plastered on his face. Hyerin just chuckled before nodding his head.

"I'm going inside now. Nice meeting you sunbaenims!" Hyerin said with a smile plastered on her beautiful. She just bowed one last time before going inside the chicken place, the three guys still looking at her figure until it disappeared in the sea of people.

"Bet you 300 bucks Jaehyun likes her," Johnny whispered at Mark but Jaehyun still heard making him laugh.

"Shut it, John D." Jaehyun teased

"Woah, stop. It's greasy man," The taller guy following him, Mark just laughed at them before following Yuta in the restroom.

"She's cute," Johnny said referring to Hyerin. "She's so tiny, she's like just above my hip. How can someone be that small?" Johnny continued making Jaehyun laugh at his thoughts.

"I don't know, man. You ask her," Jaehyun started walking as soon as he saw Yuta and Mark coming out of the restroom. Johnny following him, then whispered something to him.

"Oh you bet, i will."

Ooh, the first encounter there i see

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Ooh, the first encounter there i see. Johnny, i see u bEtch.

btw, i just realized that i have the same date of birth with iu so... happy birthday to me, i guess?

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