Chapter 40

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Hyerin continued with the shoot but her mind was wandering all the time

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Hyerin continued with the shoot but her mind was wandering all the time. Spacing out from time to time.

The only time she can forget about the death of her bestfriend was when the photoshoot started, posing here and there, brushing the negative idea away for a moment but when the shoot ended, it all came crashing down on her again.

She wanted to cry, scream, and mourn for the death of her bestfriend but she can’t be seen looking miserably in the eye of the public. So, she tried to stand strong and brave, put on that fake smile and everyone will think that she’s perfectly fine but deep inside... she’s not.

“Do you want to eat something first before we go back to the dorms?” Yoonseok asked, trying to make Hyerin speak. He was worried the moment Hyerin became quiet after that phonecall with Seonmi, he knew something was wrong but decided not to push it.

Hyerin didn’t respond, still staring outside the window like there’s something interesting there. Clearly, she’s spacing out again.

“Hyerin-ah,” Yoonseok called, Hyerin flinched, snapping out of her train of thoughts, tilting her head to look at Yoonseok, “Huh?”

“I said, do you want to eat something first before we go back to the dorms? You haven’t eaten anything yet since we got into the shoot.” Yoonseok worriesly said, shooting her a glance before returning his gaze on the road ahead.

“No,” She simply replied before averting her gaze back at the window again to get lost at her own thoughts. She was too drowned with her own thoughts on what could’ve possibly changed when she checked in on her.

I should’ve checked on her, pay her a visit but i didn’t. I got too busy with this thing that i forgot to even check on her.

She wanted to cry and mourn for the death of her friend... more like a sister. She wanted to cry but seems like her tears won’t even budge so she just stared outside the window, chanting her regrets and sorrows insider her head as if Minji will hear it.

Minji... i’m so sorry if i wasn’t there. I just hope i checked in on you even before you left.

She was too lost in her own thoughts and what ifs the whole ride from the venue of the shoot until they arrived at the dorms that she didn’t even noticed it.

“We’re here,” Yoonseok simply declared to catch her attention which he successfully did. She glanced at Yoonseok for a moment before looking outside the window and they are indeed outside the building of their dorms.

“You don’t have to walk me all the way to the dorm, i can manage. Thank you, Yoonseok.” Hyerin said, void of any emotions. She just gave him a small smile before exiting the car.

Yoonseok, of course, still went outside the car to look out for her just in case some fans were waiting for her so they can ambush her.

She was walking slowly, spacing out but when she saw the familiar face of her boyfriend she stopped, momentarily snapping out of her trance, “Jae...”

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