Chapter 36

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"Okay, that's good but try to tone it a little higher

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"Okay, that's good but try to tone it a little higher." The producer said, Hyerin nodded showing him an 'ok' sign waiting for the music to play before singing her part the way their producer want it but, of course, still adding a little 'Hyerin' touch to it.

They worked with the same producer over the months they have been doing music and the producer always loved how the girls inquire with his requests but still manages to show their own style to it.

The producer gave him an 'ok' sign with a satisfied smile plastered on his face, "That was amazing, you can go out now."

Hyerin nodded as a response before taking off the headset and walking out of the room.

"Can i get some water?" Hyerin asked Yoonseok, their manager was about to hand her a cold water when a hand immediately stopped him.

"No cold waters during recordings." Jaehyun said, handing her a water. Hyerin gave him a small smile before getting the open bottled water.

Jaehyun leaned down giving her a kiss on the forehead while she was busy drinking water. Hyerin chugged the whole water in one go, Jaehyun snatching the empty bottle from her grasp.

"How's it going?" Jaehyun softly said, tucking the strands of her hair behind her ear before his hand made its way to her waist, giving it a light squeeze while looking at her face with full of adoration written on his face.

"It was fine, why are you here though? Someone might see us." Hyerin asked while her gaze wandered around the room, to her relief only the two of them are inside the room. Yoonseok left seconds ago because he doesn't want to be a thirdwheel, obviously.

"So, what? I will gladly shout at their face that you are my girl and we are FINALLY dating after how many years." Jaehyun exaggerates, emphasizing the word finally.

"We just met last year, don't be so dramatic." Hyerin snickered, standing on her tippy toes to give Jaehyun a peck on the cheeks. Jaehyun held her waist, leaning down to pepper kisses on Hyerin's cheek down to her jaw then up to her earlobe.

"Jae, no..." Hyerin whispered, eyes closed trying hard to fight that urge to give in. Both of her hands are holding onto Jaehyun's broad shoulders.

"I know, i just want to kiss you." Jaehyun whispered, bringing back his lips onto hers to fully kiss her with passion. Hyerin immediately kissing him back, giving the equal pressure as him.

Seconds turned into minutes and they finally broke their kiss, both of them breathing heavily. Badly in need of air, but they still managed to smile at each other sweetly.

"I love you so much, Bae Hyerin." Jaehyun whispered, kissing her on the forehead before pulling her for a tight embrace.

"I know..." Hyerin whispered, trying to hide that mischievous smile on her face knowing Jaehyun would react violently on her reply.

"You 'know'?" Jaehyun ridiculed, his hands both on her shoulder pushing her a little to look at her with 'that' look. Hyerin just chuckled before standing on her tippy toes to kiss him on the nose.

"You are such a baby. I love you, Jung Jaehyun." Hyerin said, a wide cute smile plastered on her face. Jaehyun just stared at her face like he was memorizing every features of her face as if he doesn't know it.

"You know we'll have a world tour soon, right? I'll be out of the country for a very long time." Jaehyun softly said, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

Hyerin just wrapped her arm around his waist, hugging it tightly while she placed her head agains his chest, inhaling his manly and very intoxicating scent.

"When is your departure?" Hyerin asked, eyes looking straight right at the white wall of the empty room.

"In a few weeks. I think, by the end of the month. We'll have our concert in different countries." Jaehyun explained, Hyerin nodding in response.

"That must be fun." Hyerin whispered but her tone says otherwise,  just the idea of Jaehyun being away from her made her miss him eventhough he's still there, hugging her tightly. Hyerin tightly shut her eyes, hugging Jaehyun even tighter.

Jaehyun lightly smiled, embracing her tighter while caressing her hair. Jaehyun kissed the top of her head before whispering, "Don't be too sad, i'm still here, you know?" He jokingly said earning a pinch on the waist from the girl. 

"Shut up, don't get too ahead of yourself. If i know, you'll be the one who will definitely freak out once you leave the country." Hyerin confidently said, distancing herself from Jaehyun while giving him a menacing look. Jaehyun raised a brow at the girl, arms crossed infront of his chest.

"Oh, yeah? Wanna bet?" Jaehyun arrogantly said making Hyerin snort at his antsy remarks.

"If you want to badly shed money, just tell me. No need to be so sly about it." Jaehyun could only laugh at her snarky remarks, pinching her cheeks lightly before patting her head.

"Sure, Bae Hyerin." Jaehyun said menacingly making Hyerin raise a brow at his cockiness. Hyerin giving him a look before crossing her arms infront of her chest.

"Might i remind you that one time when you are so jealous of me being all cute and shit with Jisung in front of 127 guys that you started lowkey flirting at me?" Hyerin confidently said.

"When you nearly fucked me inside one of those empty---"

"Okaaaay, you win! That's enough TMI for today, young miss or else..." Jaehyun abruptly stopped what Hyerin was about to say. Hyerin slowly moved closer to Jaehyun, standing on her tippy toes to inch her face closer to him.

"Or what?" Hyerin seductively said, Jaehyun could only smirk at her attempts before moving his face dangerously close to her. Hyerin was panicking inside but decided to show him that brave front.

"Or i'll get a boner." Jaehyun whispered seductively right at Hyerin's ear making her shiver at his words. When Jaehyun moved away from him, a proud smirk plastered on his face making Hyerin roll her eyes before lightly pushing Jaehyun away from her.

"Sorry, baby, but i have no time for your horny ass today so... ciao!" Hyerin said, winking at Jaehyun before marching out of the room leaving Jaehyun dumbfounded. 

Jaehyun blinked rapidly trying to absorb what she just said before staring at the door where she exited before whispering, "Did she just call me baby?"

Jaehyun blinked rapidly trying to absorb what she just said before staring at the door where she exited before whispering, "Did she just call me baby?"

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