Chapter 22

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"Hmm..." Hyerin stirred in her sleep when she felt some tickly feeling on her womanhood.

She slowly opened her eyes, squinting it to look at her womanhood only to see Jaehyun infront of it, staring intently at it while thrusting his fingers in and out slowly.

"Jae..." Hyerin moaned, grabbing onto Jaehyun's hair, Jaehyun glanced at her, smirking, before deciding to lean in, licking a stripe to her clit. Hyerin immediately covered her mouth to muffle her moans.

Jaehyun continued licking and sucking her clit while his fingers pace fastened, Hyerin's walls clenching around his fingers signalling that she's near.

"F-faster..." Hyerin breathed out, eyes rolling backwards while her left hand grabbed a boob the other still holding tightly onto Jaehyun's hair.

"What was that?" Jaehyun teased, arching a brow while staring at her, his fingers slowed down. Hyerin just groaned.

"Faster, baby..." Hyerin moaned, Jaehyun just smirked before returning the fast pace of his fingers. He continued sucking and licking on the Hyerin's clit.

Hyerin breathed out a long moan while squirting all over Jaehyun's face and hands. Jaehyun licked all of her essence that's coming out of her womanhood, licking it clean. Jaehyun sat up staring right into Hyerin's eyes while he lick her cum on his hand clean.

Hyerin's face turned red, covering her face with a pillow to hide her embarassment. Jaehyun just chuckled at her cuteness before grabbing the pillow that's covering her face.

"Why'd you go all shy on me now, babe? We've done this for how many times already." Jaehyun said, a wide grin plastered on his face. Hyerin just rolled her eyes at him before grabbing his nape, pulling him in for a kiss.

Jaehyun smiled between the kiss before deepening it, tilting his head to the side to have a better angle. He bit the girl's lower lip before licking it, asking for permission, Hyerin immediately opened her mouth, Jaehyun's tongue immediately slipping in her mouth, their tongues fighting with each other.

Jaehyun broke the kiss, his kisses going on her cheek, jaw and down to her neck. Hyerin moaned when Jaehyun immediately found her sweet spot, sucking and licking on it until a mark was formed. Jaehyun repeated it, leaving marks around her neck down to her chest.

Hyerin's eyes were shut close due to the unexplainable pleasure Jaehyun was giving to her. Jaehyun partened her legs wide open, his eyes staring intensely at her wet womanhood. Jaehyun held his manhood, rubbing it on Hyerin's clit a few times before finally thrusting it in. Hyerin was about to let out a loud moan when Jaehyun immediately covered her mouth with his hand. His arms were resting beside Hyerin's head, mouth on her ear, letting out low growls while thrusting slowly.

"Fuck, you're so tight..." Jaehyun groaned, his thrusts going fast. Hyerin moaned right into his ear, sounding sweet. Her arms wrapping around Jaehyun's body.

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