Chapter 23

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"Looks like you've had a good fuck

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"Looks like you've had a good fuck." Jungwoo whispered at Jaehyun once they reached the kitchen. When Jaehyun and Hyerin arrived in the kitchen, Jungwoo immediately noticed Jaehyun's flustered and smiling face, and him being the curious guy that he is decided to talk to Jaehyun.

Jaehyun glanced at Jungwoo before returning his gaze to Hyerin who's busy helping Nishiya cook, he just shrugged before answering, "And a good head." Jaehyun heard Jungwoo groaned before answering.

"Good for you, Saehwi doesn't wanna fuck saying she wouldn't be able to walk for a week 'AGAIN' because the last time we did it, she wasn't able to walk for a week." Jungwoo whispered to Jaehyun causing for the older to let out a loud manly laugh catching the attention of the other people in the kitchen. The two just waved their hands at them.

"Don't mind us," Jungwoo said waving his hands, the girls just focused on cooking but Saehwi gave him a glare before joining the girls. Yuta walked towards them, standing beside Jaehyun before talking.

"What are you two gossiping about?" Yuta asked. Jungwoo just glanced at the busy girls before signalling for Yuta to come closer. Yuta immediately complied, leaning in to hear what Jungwoo was about to say.

"Jaehyun had a good fuck and a head." Jungwoo whispered, Yuta just grinned at Jaehyun before giving him a manly hug.

"Nice, same!" Yuta said.

"Wait-- what?! Ugh! How unfair!" Jungwoo whined, the two just laughed at his whiny ass before someone interfered.

"What's unfair?" Saehwi suddenly asked, Jungwoo just looked at her girlfriend before grabbing her wrist pulling her out of the kitchen while saying, "Let's talk."

"Where are they going?" Daehwi asked when she noticed Jungwoo dragging her twin sister out of the kitchen. The two boys just shrugged before answering.

"Talking," The two said in unison, Daehwi just scoffed before talking.

"Yeah, miss me with that shit." She said before grabbing the two boys' wrists and pulling them infront of the cupboard.

"Since you two are just standing there, why don't you prepare the plates and glasses?" Daehwi said, before the two can even protest she immediately went to the two girls to help them cook.

"Girls and their dominant side, ugh." Yuta whined beside him, Jaehyun just chuckled before placing the plates in the dining table.

"It's sexy, though," Jaehyun retorted, Yuta just snorted before talking.

"It's sexy if it's Nishiya who's dominating me, Daehwi looks like a nagging mother." Yuta said which made Jaehyun laugh.

"I heard that, you imbecile." Daehwi said while glaring at Yuta. Yuta just raised both of his hands, surrendering before going back to his business.

"Don't you guys have recordings to do?" Nishiya asked while placing the finished product of their doing. The two boys just nodded in unison before sitting.

"We have promotions to do, still can't believe we've already debuted." Nishiya squealed, a wide smile plastered on her face. Yuta stared lovingly at her smiling girlfriend before pulling her wrist, making her sit beside him.

"Ew, relationships." Daehwi said in disgust before sitting beside Hyerin. Hyerin just chuckled before focusing on the food infront of her.

"Dae, call your twin." Nishiya instructed but Daehwi just shook her head before talking.

"She's having her breakfast now," Daehwi deadpanned, Nishiya just choked on her own saliva but Daehwi just continued eating.

"Disgusting," Hyerin said, Daehwi arched a brow at the younger before scoffing.

"Is it really, my dear?" Daehwi whispered but the rest of them still heard it, Hyerin's eyes widened before slapping the older's arm.

"Shh, shut up. Just eat, we still need to go to the company, you know?" Nishiya said, the two just continued eating silently.


"Ugh, my leg hurts." Saehwi whined as the four of them are walking to SM building. Daehwi just snorted before talking.

"That's what you get for having boyfriend. Ew, relationships." Daehwi said, nose scrunched up in disgust. Saehwi was about to retort but Daehwi already turned her back at her twin, walking faster.

"Ugh, that bitter loveless twin of mine. What should i do with her?" Saehwi asked, brows were knitted together throwing daggers at the back of her twin.

"Just let her be, she'll find her own soon." Nishiya said while staring at her phone, not minding the pathway she's walking onto. She was about to bump to a big tree but Hyerin pulled her.

"Quit staring at your phone, Shi. Check it later." Hyerin instructed, Nishiya just cleared her throat before placing her phone inside the pocket of her big coat.

"You know, i just noticed that Hyerin may be the youngest but she surely doesn't act like one. She boss us around." Saehwi said, Hyerin just grinned at her before talking.

"I wasn't bossing you around, i was just telling you the right thing to do." Hyerin explained.

"Yes, in other words you're bossing us around." Saehwi said, arching a brow at the younger. Hyerin just playfully rolled her eyes at her.

The three of them were peacefully walking together side-by-side with Daehwi ahead of them. When they are near the building, they were blinded by the flashes of cameras by the paparazzis. This is a usual thing they do, take pictures for public appearances. The three of them would just normally walk and stand their, waiting for the picture taking to finish but, Daehwi is different.

"Oh god, i'm not even here. I'm hallucination." Saehwi whispered to Hyerin and Nishiya when she saw her twin sister walking like a model, posing here and there when she reached the hurdles of paparazzis. The two just chuckled at her before making their way to the red carpet.

The three of them just stood there waving and making signs while smiling while Daehwi on the other hand posed like she's a model in Victoria's secret. Both hands on her stomach that is humped in while puckering her lips like a duck.

(Yes, Daehwi is like my story's version of Mijoo. Complaints? Yes, i don't think so.)

'Daehwi's photoshoot ft. friends' lasted for a couple of minutes before they bowed and made their exit. As soon as they were out of sight, Saehwi immediately gave a death glare to her twin, Daehwi just smiling sheepishly at her.

"What? It's my dream. Why not try while there's so many cameras? I feel so supermodel." Daehwi proudly said while whipping her hair infront of Saehwi's face.

"Yeah, fuck you. You are so embarrassing, i don't even want to call you my twin." Saehwi rolled her eyes, cheeks turning red due to the second hand embarrassment she felt for her twin.

"Sadly, you can't do anything about it so stay pressed. Haters gonna hate," Daehwi said, whipping her hair at Saehwi's face one last time before making her way inside the building.

Saehwi just groaned in annoyance, a frown visible on her face while following her twin alongside Hyerin and Nishiya.

"Don't laugh, you two. I swear to Zeus---"

"Your boyfriend?" Hyerin cut through, a cheeky grin visible on her face. Saehwi just gave her a glare before marching away from the two.

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