Chapter 12

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The boys supervised them as per requested

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The boys supervised them as per requested. Well, not really. Taeyong was the one teaching and supervising while the others are basically bugging the girls and Taeyong.

"Guys, stop. This is an important performance for them, you can joke around all you want but not this time." Taeyong said, seriousness written all over his face. His leader aura showing.

The other members turned quiet and just nod their head, scared that they'll get another scolding from their leader.

"Okay, since you know the whole choreography. Let's start from the start. You'll just lipsync for now and after you'll sing and dance, i'll play a minus one for you later on." Taeyong instructed, the girls just nodded their heads while going on their assigned places.

The boys stood at the back, not wanting to distract the girls. Taeyong went to the speakers at the corner of the room before playing the music.

The boys silently watched the girls dance to their song. Astonished at their sharp and synchronized dance moves.

"So, basically, Yuta likes that japanese blue haired girl while Jaehyun likes that little visual there." Johnny whispered at them. The other three boys now looking at him. One with confused eyes, while the other two were widened in shock.

"Oh, shit, Jaehyun hyung's ears are turning red. It's true!?" Haechan whispered, trying to stop himself from laughing out loud.

"I knew it, you were staring at her too much when we saw her last week." Haechan whispered. A mischievous grin plastered on his face.

"What? What happened?" Johnny asked, clueless about what happened.

"Well, you see, that little visual there you're calling was singing here in the practice room. She was singing Taeyeon sunbaenim's fine and i saw Jaehyun hyung staring inside this practice room so i decided to peek too since i was curious and he was staring intensely at her, looks like he fell for her visuals and i was right." Haechan explained, Jaehyun's ears were now crimson red due to embarrassment.

"Well, i am too fell for her visuals when i first saw her at our fansign." Haechan confessed, he saw giving him a 'what-the-hell' look at his peripheral vision so he decided to tease him more.

"What fansign event? Dream fansign?" Johnny asked, Haechan just nodded his head, facing Johnny fully, turning his back at Jaehyun before talking.

"Yes that one, she want their. So, she was a fan of NCT Dream. I was stunned to see her face, she looks ethereal, that's what i thought when i saw her face. So, as i said earlier, i fell for her visuals and i held her hand and--" before Haechan can even finish what he was saying, he felt someone smack his head a little strong so he turned around only to see Jaehyun staring at the girls dancing with a smirk plastered on his face, his dimples slightly showing.

"Hyung, what the hell?" Haechan shouted in a whisper, scratching his head. Jaehyun just glanced at him before returning his gaze at Hyerin.

"Well, don't mess with Jung Jaehyun," Johnny whispered, chuckling lightly at Haechan's frowning face.

"Whatever," Haechan just rolled his eyes.

"Good job! Wow, your moves are amazing. You danced it better than us!" Taeyong praised, clapping like a seal. The girl just chuckled before saying 'thank you'.

"Since we're fine with your dancing, as i said, you'll do it while singing. I'll play a minus song, okay?" Taeyong instructed, the girls nodding while saying 'yes' in chorus.

"Okay, on your positions!" Taeyong shouted, the girls quickly got in their positions. Taeyong counted one to three before playing the minus one song.

The girls started showing off their vocals. Haechan was smiling widely when Hyerin sang his part beautifully, nodding.

When Saehwi started rapping Taeyong's part, he started hyping her up by bouncing.

When Jaehyun's part came, Hyerin and Jaehyun locked eyes for a second before the girl tear her gaze away singing his part beautifully.

The four boys at the back jamming at their song, singing lowly while still watching the girls.

When the song ended, the boys started clapping. Johnny and Haechan being the extra that they are, started shouting loudly.

"What a performance! I can't believe i get to watch it for free," Johnny exclaimed, a big smile plastered on his face.

"Okay then, pay." Haechan sassed, his hands are now lend open infront of Johnny's face. Johnny just shoved his hands away.

"I did not watch you," Johnny fired back, rolling his eyes at Haechan.

"I am their manager," Haechan replied, standing beside the four girls who's now drinking water. Jaehyun and Yuta handing them towels.

"Thank you," Hyerin said, getting the towel from Jaehyun's hands. The latter smiled at him, he just stared at her wiping her face and neck that's full of sweat.

"You guys were so amazing, your group's dynamics are just wow. In a short span of time of being a trainee you're able to work as a team wonderfully. That's so amazing," Taeyong said, the four boys nodding in agreement.

"You girls are so talented." Johnny added, the girls just smiling, flushed at their praises.

"I think, you guys are able to debut earlier than expected." Haechan said.

"Oh, right. You'll be performing on stage this coming Friday, right?" Johnny asked. The four girls nodding before Nishiya replied.

"Yeah, our instructor said that producers will be their to watch our performance. There's a possibility that the director will also visit and watch for a while. Our performance this Friday will determine whether we'll debut earlier than expected or not." Nishiya explained.

"With your vocals, sharp and synchronized movements, i know that you guys will debut earlier than expected." Taeyong said, the four boys nodding in agreement.

"Thank you, sunbaenims." The girls said in unison.

"We'll surely by there to show our support," Taeyong said, a soft and warm smile plastered on his face. The boys just nodded in agreement before Haechan talked.

"Yeah, we'll surely be there. Specially these two," Haechan teased, pointing at Yuta and Jaehyun. The two of them just glared at the youngest.

"Well, that's all for today. I'm glad to teach you, you girls are fast learners and you listen to me very well, i wasn't stressed that much, unlike the others." Taeyong said, referring to Haechan who's always messing up with them every practice.

"Anyways, since your practice for today is done. Who wants some chicken?" Johnny excitedly said. Daehwi clicked her tongue and squinted her left eye while pointing it Johnny.



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