Looming Trouble- Ch. 46

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I know a majority of people already gave up on this fic because of lack of updates; I was caught up with other stuff. I was bored though so :)

Looming Trouble- Ch. 46

"NO! DON'T!"

Midoriya shot up in his spot, sweat running down his face as he tried to catch his breath. He shifted uncomfortably on the rough surface of the "bed" he was given. It had felt so rough on his chest and even rougher on his back, with the thing feeling like a cold steel beam with a piece of thin, worn fabric over it.

His eyes scanned the room, wincing when seeing the familiar snow colored wings spread across it.

He groaned as he faced forward again, his hands coming up to slide down his face. "It was just another stupid nightmare, Izuku..." he muttered to himself. He rubbed his eyes, hoping that by doing so that he would be able to get rid of the flashing images in his mind.

Though they flashed through his mind, as vivid as the images were in his dream appeared to be.

The blood, the screaming, the fear, everything that happened because of him. His dream showed the same iterations of his mother's death, each one getting more violent as time went on. The scene had changed after what Midoriya thought was the worst iteration of her death had occurred. He could never fear his eyes away, as if some invisible force was making him watch the gruesome scenes.

He was in a dark room as it all occurred, and then the next moment there was a villain holding Shouta hostage in the middle of the room. His classmates surrounded the scene, surrounded Midoriya, and seemed angry and upset with him. They kept yelling at him, tears in some of their eyes as they told him that it was his fault, entirely his fault that Shouta was at the hands of villains, that it was going to be his fault that he was going to die.

But Midoriya didn't want him to die, he wanted him to live. Even if it wasn't a real scenario, it felt so real to him. So he would fight, he would risk his life to keep Shouta alive. He wanted to pay him back for all that he's done for Midoriya.

Though, Midoriya knew that he wouldn't be quick enough to save him but he still had to act. The only thing that he was focused on was trying to save Shouta. He had done so much for him: adopt him, give him a better home, a better life, and he accepted him for who he was. Midoriya would be shameful, worthless, and disgraceful if he didn't at least make an attempt to save him.

But when he saw no opening to get past the crowd of disappointed and furious classmates, he panicked. He needed to be let out, he needed to be free. Everything was just so suffocating and all of what his classmates were saying just made him feel like he was drowning. He was sinking deeper into the imaginary ocean that he felt he was in, and there was no possible escape as the water took over- as his classmates got rowdier and the stress of the situation piled up. His body took over and went on autopilot while his brain caught up.

He acted on instinct as he met Shouta's eyes.

He had found himself in front of Shouta and the villain with his wings out on display. In an instant, the villain with the blurred out face cackled before melting and disappearing. Midoriya felt the panic rise in him when he turned to see his classmates, their angry and upset faces had now turned into ones of fear and disgust.

He turned back to see if he could find comfort in Shouta, only for the teacher to melt and disappear into nothing just like the villain did. Though Midoriya never missed the uninterested yet disappointed look on his adoptive father's face.

Dread and desperation filled his veins once he turned back to his classmates, seeing that they weren't happy about his actions either. He tried to bargain with them, "G-Guys it was just- it's one of Hatsume's inventions she wanted me to try!" Though his pleas and reassurances seemed to fall on deaf ears.

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