Sick and Tired- Ch. 34

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Turns out six hours was probably not enough time.

They had gotten through two movies and Midoriya was struggling to stay awake. Kirishima seemed to be a bit worried; the greenette obviously needed sleep but refused to do so. There were eye bags under Midoriya's eyes not to mention the greenette needed rest because he was sick.

Midoriya was brainstorming different ideas on how to get Kirishima to go. Of course, he didn't have anything against Kirishima; Midoriya just didn't want to fall asleep given his wings usually naturally sprawl out around the room or around himself. That is, unless something is pressed up against his back but even then there is only a certain amount of time until his wings need to be let out.

Maybe Midoriya could fake sleep so Kirishima would leave?

He glanced over to the redhead for a second before making his decision. Midoriya leaned back into the pillows behind him as he allowed his eyes to droop. He waited a couple of minutes before Kirishima seemed to notice he was asleep; the redhead turned the volume down and whisper asked if the greenette was still awake.

When the spiky haired teen failed to receive an answer, he closed the laptop in front of him as carefully began to move off of the bed. Well, not before he leaned over and ruffled the greenette's curls a little. "Woah it is fluffy..." Kirishima whispered to himself. Midoriya had to stifle a laugh as he laid still on the bed. Kirishima quietly walked out of the room and closed it, careful not to make much noise. Midoriya sighed in relief as he slipped his sweater off.


"Yeah but it was really weird. Don't tell anyone I said this but Bakugo was actually being nice to Mido," Kirishima told his blond haired friend. The other teen's honey colored eyes flickered up.

"Wow. Also, Mido?" Kaminari questioned the nickname.

The redhead nodded, "He let me give him a nickname. Oh and his hair is as fluffy and soft as it looks."

Kaminari eyed the redhead suspiciously before sighing and placing his head on his palm. "Seems like you got lucky then. Man I just wanna...I dunno like give him a big hug? He's just too cute, dude," the blond poked his food before someone walked into the common room.

The ash blond's crimson eyes scanned the room before looking over and seeing Kirishima sitting with Kaminari. Bakugo flounced over to the two as he faced the redhead, "The nerd's in his room?"

Kirishima nodded. "He's sleeping. He ate breakfast and took some medicine. Though I think he needs to wake up for lunch," The spiky haired redhead briefly explained as he stood up.

Bakugo pushed Kirishima back into the seat. "I'll do it since you might fuck something up," he growled before walking to the kitchen. The redhead turned to his yellow eyed friend as he gestured to as if saying, 'see?!'. Kaminari nodded and noted that as a way of Bakugo caring for Midoriya.

"You don't think Bakugo fell under Midoriya's love spell, do you?" Kaminari questioned as he brought a hand to his face. The redhead looked at his blond haired friend quizzically. The honey eyed boy seemed to notice as he explained, "There are a couple of people who have a crush on him. Maybe more than a couple though." The shorter boy eyed the taller one, "And I have a feeling you're one of those people."

"Me? What? No. I just think he looks cute. How can you not say he doesn't look cute with those big green eyes, adorable freckles, and-" Kirishima paused, "Holy shit I think I've fallen."

Kaminari gave the other a slap on the back, "That makes you one of us. Plus, you already said you were gay and it was kind of obvious that you liked Midoriya from when he clung onto you during that one truth or dare game. You were basically beat red-"

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