What's That...?- Ch. 11

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Midoriya panicked as he felt the knife tear through the back of his hoodie. It seemed the girl didn't care if she hurt the greenette, since the knife started to tear his flesh as well. He hissed in pain but felt a breeze on his back. He quickly threw his arm back, hitting the girl in the face as she jerked back.

"Oooh~ getting feisty now, are we?" The blonde cooed as she got off of the boy. He glared at her but felt arms grab his shoulders from behind. "Dabi! Look he does have them!" The girl exclaimed as the blue eyed male observed the small white wings pinned up against the boy's back. Then, in a split second, the girl was gone along with a gust of wind. The two males left seemed perplexed, until the man called 'Dabi' was blown away. Midoriya took the chance to take the parts of his hoodie that were left and wrap it around his back to cover it. The greenette felt another hand on his shoulder so he powered his quirk. He stopped once realizing that the person was All Might in his buff form.

Midoriya smiled in relief as they both turned to face the villains. But they were stopped by a wall of blue flames. Beyond the wall of bright blue, they noticed the two villains escaping through the purple mist that was still open. Once the flames died out, the greenette fell to the floor, exhausted by the blood he had lost. He had cuts along his arm along with a few on his legs. When did she do that? He thought to himself as he looked at his ripped joggers. His gaze went up to All Might, who was making a brief phone call, but still stuck close to the boy on the floor.

After a few minutes, Present Mic appeared, since Aizawa was buzy teaching class. The reason he was still at the school was because All Might didn't tell the male about Midoriya's injuries or situation because he knew the black haired man would rush to the scene with no regards to his students that he should be teaching.

The normally loud blond was surprisingly quiet. Most likely because he knew the greenette might be on edge due to everything that's happened to him over the past couple of days. So the blond carefully picked up the tired emerald eyed boy as All Might switched to his weak form. "Come on, let's get you to Recovery Girl..." Present Mic said as he adjusted the greenette in his arms. Midoriya weakly nodded and the three made their way to the school. They had to take a couple of different routes to avoid the eyes of the public though. They arrived at school and walked through the hallways, with All Might carrying the grocery bags and Present Mic carrying Midoriya, who was struggling to stay awake.

They arrived at Recovery Girl's office and Present Mic gently placed the boy on the bed. Midoriya rolled to his side since he hated lying down on his back. He felt like falling asleep but he knew he had to stay awake so he kept tapping his finger on the bedsheets. He felt someone roll up his pant legs, most likely to fix the cuts on them. The greenette hissed in pain when he felt a cool cream on the bottom of his leg. He felt warm tears fall down his face as the pain persisted.

After a couple minutes, he heard shuffling before he noticed Recovery Girl standing in front of him. He also noticed the other two left, most likely because they had class or to tell Aizawa. The greenette didn't know the time right now, so he couldn't tell. "Midoriya you need to take off your shirt and what's left of your hoodie so I can treat the wounds on your arms and back," she requested. Midoriya just sat up and shook his head as he scooted away from the lady.

"Uhm I can do it by myself..." Midoriya murmured. The lady raised an eyebrow as she looked at him.

"And how are you going to fix the wound on your back then?" She inquired. She knew about the injury since the boy's shirt had blood on it. She was confused on why the greenette had his ripped hoodie covering part of his back. It would've been better if he had just taken the hoodie off since it was all torn up.

"Oh I'll just use a mirror. I can do it since I did it before...." he said but noticed the lady glancing at him curiously. "Oh um...I was kind of bullied at my old school..." he finished. The lady sighed as she handed him the small first aid kit. He quickly bowed as he rushed to the bathroom connected to the room.

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