Dealing with it- Ch. 2

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Midoriya screamed as he knelt on his knees, screaming for his mom. "No no no! It can't be!" He sobbed as he picked up his phone.

*Ring ring*

" Hello, what is your emergency?"

"I-I...came home f-f-from mom...d-dead pool of blood.."

After the police arrived, Inko's body was taken away and Midoriya had to pack his things to go to an orphanage. It's not like he had much to pack anyways. He would rather be there than be a burden to the Bakugo family.


It had been a couple months since the incident. He still trained with All Might every so often. The day that changed his life. And if Midoriya was being honest, he hated it at the orphanage. So he decided to take a walk. It was nighttime and he found himself sitting on a ledge of a bridge. No, he wasn't there to jump, just there to think. The bridge at night was just so peaceful to him. He swung his legs as he closed his eyes.

"Why are you here alone?" He heard a deep voice behind him ask. It startled the greenette a bit but he kept his eyes shut as he softly smiled. "I just needed a break from there that's all. I'm not gonna jump or anything don't worry. Well I don't know who would worry about me but...yeah.." he felt someone take a seat next to him.

"Kid look at me," The man ordered as he leaned forward to get the kid's attention. Midoriya opened his eyes and noticed a man with black hair to match his eyes along with a grey scarf around his neck. "I'm sure your parents or guardians are worried about you so let's get you home. I'm pro hero Eraserhead so don't worry," the male had explained.

Midoriya broke eye contact as he chuckled sadly, "Well unfortunately you're wrong. I don't have anyone worrying about me so I'll be fine." Eraserhead just appeared confused. He sighed before stating, "Look kid I know you're trying to be one of those depressed teens or whatever but your parents really do worry about you no matter how much they seem like they don't."

Midoriya's smile faded as he looked down at the water beneath the bridge. "I don't have any parents; I live with my Aunt," he stated simply. Midoriya knew that he shouldn't be lying, but he didn't want this man to find out he was an orphan. The man felt guilty to say the least but he was intrigued by this boy and didn't know why. 'He looks awfully familiar...oh..Wasn't it that boy that took down that villain a couple months ago? Nezu mentioned something about wanting him in the entrance exams to see how skilled he is.' The man thought as he observed the boy. The kid didn't seem like he would cause trouble but what if he went to a different hero school? No one really asked how old the boy was so he could be in a different school other than UA.

The man hadn't noticed that the kid started to head back into the direction of the orphanage, although the man didn't know he was going to an orphanage. Eraserhead tried searching for the kid but failed to do so. He was frustrated to say the least; he didn't even know the kids name.


Midoriya looked at the front gates to the school and sucked in a breath. He made the decision to go to the UA entrance exams. It's not like he really had anything or anyone to lose anymore, so why not become the hero he alway wanted to be? He had these quirks for a reason, after all. He decided to wear black joggers, a blue shirt and his favorite green hoodie along with his red shoes.

He noticed a girl that was too busy admiring the building. The brunette ended up tripping on the sidewalk and Midoriya quickly went to catch her. The greenette was worried about what the other might say but asked, "Are you alright? Sorry about that, I just acted quickly!" He beamed as he set her back on her feet.

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