Stay Away- Ch. 35

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Todoroki was awake. He was tired, yet he didn't want to go to sleep; he wanted to treasure every moment of what he had right now: a sleeping Midoriya- correction, an angel sleeping soundly on his chest. The dual haired teen's heart beat quickened its pace as he continued to rub the spots around Midoriya's feathers.

Though, Todoroki noticed that the wings were no longer wrapped around Midoriya like they were when he walked in. They were now spread out a bit; one of them was lying on the floor trying to take up space as the other one was trailing up the wall near the bed. The one near the wall was folded up a little. And the other one...well Todoroki couldn't really tell because there was not much light was in the room. The dual haired teen's hand slipped as it went over the white material.

Heterochromatic eyes widened and felt the soft and fluffy feathers. He stopped when Midoriya began to move; the greenette moved his face so it was buried into the crook of Todoroki's neck. The taller boy stilled when he felt the curly hair tickle his neck and jawline. Todoroki felt heat but he realized it wasn't only from him. He looked over to Midoriya and felt the back of the shorter boy's neck, only to feel that it was burning up.

Shit, he's sick and I forgot, Todoroki thought as he hesitantly moved Midoriya's face so it was on the colder side, having been on the warm left side beforehand. Only Midoriya's snores and Todoroki's quick beating heart were heard in the room at the moment. Todoroki's eyes started to flutter shut as he heard the small snores from Midoriya. He wasn't completely sure what was going to happen when they woke up, but the dual haired teen was hoping that the greenette doesn't push him away. Todoroki noticed the way Midoriya responded to him finding about the wings in the first place; the taller boy wanted at least a chance to get Midoriya to trust him with this.


Heterochromatic eyes lazily opened as they took in the light that poured into the room. It took a second before soft snoring was heard next to the taller boy's ear. He wanted to jolt up in panic until the mismatched eyes flickered over to see a nice forest green covering most of what he could see of his body.

Todoroki felt something weighing him down when he remembered what happened earlier with Midoriya. He was actually surprised that he was the first one up...was it just that early still or was the greenette just that tired? Todoroki searched for his phone with one hand while the other was wrapped around Midoriya's upper back, basically his shoulders if Todoroki was being honest; Midoriya's wings took up a lot of space on his back.

Must be painful... Todoroki thought as he grabbed his phone and noticed it was nine- almost ten in the morning. The heterochromatic eyed boy let a small yawn escape his lips before looking down at the greenette with a small smile. He glanced back over to the white wings as he thought for a moment. He paused before glancing at his phone and pulling open a new tab to do some research.

He looked up things like, 'Things to Help Winged People Relax' or 'Taking Care of Wings' or 'Relaxing Things for Winged People' and.. 'Describing love'. He would then, of course, delete those from his history later.

He sighed as he let his phone drop to his side and onto the bed. He let his eyes close as he just focused on enjoying everything about this moment. He just wanted time to freeze and stay like this for as long as he wanted-as long as he wanted was probably forever in his opinion. He stopped when he heard a small hum, and it put an end to the soft snoring he had heard for a while now. He felt a warm breath on his neck as he heard a small, "so cool..."

That sent a shiver down his spine but he looked over to see the white wings twitch a little. He wanted to reach out and run his hands along the white material. Well, until he watched the greenette move for a second. Midoriya tried rolling over, but he was kind of laying on Todoroki, meaning he should've fallen off the bed. He would've fallen off it if it weren't for Todoroki; the dual haired teen acted fast and went to take hold of the freckled boy. Though, the spot he grabbed at to pull Midoriya up was the boy's waist. Which, was embarrassing now that he thought about it. Considering the winged boy was shirtless and all.

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