Overprotective Much?- Ch. 9

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Midoriya looked up and nervously smiled, remembering the announcement that was made earlier. "Heyyy..."

All Might quickly gave the greenette a hug, "Where were you Young Midoriya? And why didn't you return to class?" The boy felt like he was going to pass out from how much he was being hugged. The tall man finally let go and Recovery Girl spoke up.

"So why are you even here in the first place? Aren't you supposed to be in class?" She inquired as she approached the boy. Midoriya didn't say much except for look down at the floor and to the side. The door swung open yet again to reveal a very stressed and angry looking Aizawa. He walked over to the greenette and picked him up bridal style. He hissed at the emerald eyed boy, "You're not leaving my side unless you have someone else with you." The tired looking man was about to leave when he heard the boy whisper something. Aizawa stopped and looked down at the greenette who was looking away while fiddling with his fingers.

"I uh...came here to get my arm wrapped because something happened..." the boy lowly mumbled as he grabbed his left sleeve and pulled it down, revealing the toilet paper that was slightly red. Aizawa's eyes widened as he turned back to the bed and set the greenette down.

"Since you have time left can you start hero training with the class? Midnight is covering for me but I don't know what she plans on doing," Aizawa said while looking at the male. All Might hesitantly nodded his head as he stood up and left. The tired man redirected his attention to the smaller boy and softened his eyes while lowering his voice, "So did you..." He trailed off because he didn't want to finish the sentence, though he knew it was a high possibility seeing the situation.

Midoriya slowly nodded his head, "I just...I just have so much to think about so I...I did that. I'm sorry..." Aizawa gestured Recovery Girl to get bandages and other things so he could fix up the cut. She complied and the man turned back to the greenette.

"Pull up your other sleeve," he demanded as he sat down in front of the boy. Midoriya complied and Aizawa was relieved to see there were no cuts there. He made a mental note to ask one of his students if they noticed cuts anywhere else on the boy's body; he didn't want to make things uncomfortable and ask when they got home. He went back to look at the other arm and then slowly unwrapped the toilet paper that was there. A box was set on the side of them so the man began to shuffle through it, looking for bandages and disinfecting wipes. The man shuffled through the supplies before slowly cleaning and wrapping the wound, though he noticed that Midoriya's eyes were drooping. "How long did you sleep last night?"

"Um I dunno..." Midoriya mumbled softly. Aizawa sighed as he finished. He closed the box and thanked Recovery Girl. He picked up the sleepy boy who didn't really think about protesting; Midoriya felt like he forgot about his wings when he was on pain killers. The greenette relaxed in Aizawa's arms as they went to the classroom. "Why are we going here?" Midoriya mumbled, knowing that the class was probably already on the training field. The man didn't answer and kicked open the classroom door, his arms being occupied by the greenette. He made his way over to a familiar yellow sleeping bag and set Midoriya in it because it was already zipped open. The curly haired boy tiredly nuzzled into the warmth of the sleeping bag while Aizawa zipped it shut. Midoriya fell asleep right away. He picked up the yellow blob and brought it to the teacher's lounge. 'Hopefully Hizashi isn't there and running his loud mouth. Problem Child looks like he needs some sleep and I don't want him waking up.'

After leaving Midoriya in the teachers lounge, Aizawa went out to the training field to see what the brats were doing. Well, he just called them brats because they basically cornered Midoriya yesterday when Aizawa was carrying him away. Which resulted in the greenette crying because the class couldn't wait a bit before firing questions at the poor boy. He seethed at the thought but kept walking.

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