The Past- Ch. 15

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Midoriya looked up slowly, revealing a few tears falling down his freckled cheeks. The others felt terrible for forcing the conversation but they knew that they had to do something about the problem.

The greenette wiped his tears as he looked away but Kaminari noticed something on his back. "Midoriya...we just want to know where you got these cuts and burn from. We want to make sure you're okay," the blond haired boy looked back at the boy for a response.

"I..." Midoriya trailed off and gave a small smile, fighting back tears. "I'm fine guys...I told you not to worry. So please don't-"

"Midoriya," Kirishima cut in with a stern tone which was unusual for someone like him. The greenette looked up with a small smile plastered across his face; it soon disappeared when noticing the redhead's pleading look. "At least let us help patch these up. least tell someone about what you're going through," Kirishima suggested.

"But isn't it after school? I don't want to bother you guys..."

"Midoriya! We came here to see you to see if you were alright. Do you really think it would bother us if we were the ones who took the time to come here?" Todoroki implied.

"Yeah! That's what friends do, right?" Uraraka piped in.

"I wouldn't know what friends are supposed to do!" Midoriya blurted out.

Tsuyu spoke up, "Why? You had friends before, right?"

The greenette looked down, remembering things about his old school. " Not at my old school or ever, really. It was kind of the opposite," Midoriya sadly chuckled at how other kids would stray away from him, either because he was 'quirkless' or the fact that no one wanted to be a target for bullying.

"Were you...bullied?" Kaminari hesitated while asking the question. Why would anyone hurt such a sweet boy? Who in their right mind even had the guts to hurt someone as innocent looking as Midoriya? Though the others were relieved to find Midoriya opening up a little bit.

The greenette's eyes flickered up before nodding his head, "Yeah. I guess no one wanted to be around the quirkless boy, not even my mom, apparently..." A few tears escaped his eyes. He hated getting up for school everyday, being scorned by his mother either before or after school, sometimes both. Then having to deal with more people ridiculing him, most of the time for the same reasons his mom did. Because he was a quirkless, useless, worthless, hopeless, insignificant, good-for nothing boy that once had a dream to be a hero. He was always told the same thing after he had still convinced himself that he could be a quirkless hero.

That's when he was four and five.

After the bullying started, he instantly started to believe what they were saying was true, so he decided to start preparing for his future; he would most likely become a business man. After all, that was one of the best paying jobs Japan had to offer, and Midoriya thought maybe he could make his mother happy if he earned enough money; maybe a job that would pay as well as a hero. He would always work hard to receive the best possible grades, but it still wasn't enough for his mom. Right now he knew he had to calm himself down; if he wasn't careful his wings might act up.

Midoriya's thoughts were stopped when Iida spoke up, adjusting his glasses while doing so, "Well that wasn't very mature of them. Judging you just because you were deemed quirkless doesn't seem right. Speaking of which, why didn't you mention that you weren't quirkless?"

The greenette grit his teeth in anger and held onto the bedsheets beneath him, "The villians. They tricked me from the start. When I had gone to see what my quirk-in this case quirks-was/were, the doctor pulled me aside and told me I couldn't let anyone, not even my mom know about my quirks. They were powerful and it could be dangerous to me and my mother if I was listed as a kid with those types of quirks. So the doctor listed me as quirkless so I could be safe. The only reason I did it was so my mother could be safe. I put my dreams of being a hero aside so the 'bad people' that the doctor mentioned wouldn't hurt either of us.

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