Sick- Ch. 33

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"Mido don't be startled but I'm going to start running now..." he lowered his voice. Before Midoriya could reply, the redhead started running.


Oh. So that's why Kirishima started running. But wasn't it still early? That would mean...

"Bakugo! Quiet down! There are people still trying to sleep...!" Midoriya could hear Yaoyorozu's voice fading as the elevator closed just in time; Bakugo was right on their trail but they were lucky enough for the elevator to close when it did. The greenette's red haired friend was huffing a little and Midoriya felt bad. He would have to make up for it later.

The greenette paused as he tilted his head up a bit towards the redhead holding him. "Kiri can I-" he paused as he yawned, losing his train of thought, "I'm sleepy..." he mumbled as he leaned towards Kirishima.

The redhead's face flushed a brilliant red at that moment. He hoped that Midoriya wouldn't be able to hear his quick heart beat, but that was kind of close to impossible since the freckled teen had his head rested on Kirishima's chest. "Ah, um- Mido you're gonna have to stay up a little longer for me, okay? You still have to eat-" he stopped as he looked down at the emerald eyed boy whose eyes were now closed. "And he's sleeping..." the redhead mumbled to himself.

After a few more moments of gay panic, the elevator finally dinged and the door opened, allowing the redhead to step through and onto the second floor. Bakugo, however, was already waiting by Midoriya's dorm room. He had an angry look on his face. Well, it was a tad bit angrier than usual. The ash blond's crimson red eyes went over to Midoriya, noticing the freckled boy's flushed face.

Bakugo paused a second as he sighed, "What the fuck did he get into now?" He walked forwards, "I'll take the nerd since he can't fucking take care of himself." Kirishima glanced up, red eyes meeting red.

"No uh, Mido wanted me to help him," he argued before answering the ash blond's question, "He's sick. Pretty sure it's a fever but he said something about the flu?"

Bakugo gave Kirishima that, 'you idiot look'. "You're such a dumbass. When you have the flu one of the symptoms is a fever. Get him in the room. I'll grab a washcloth and other shit," the ash blond grumbled as he walked past the redhead towards the elevator; he walked-ran-up the fire escape stairs to get to the second floor since the elevator wasn't an option for him earlier.

Kirishima was a bit confused about Bakugo caring about Midoriya. Well, as caring as the hotheaded blond could be, anyways. The redhead paused before walking over to Midoriya's room and opening the door, almost immediately recognizing a couple of burn marks on the carpet. It looked a bit faded but that didn't change the fact that they were there.

The redhead stopped before turning towards the bed, noting the plain dark blue blanket on it, along with a fluffy white one underneath that one. The spiky haired teen walked over and carefully set the greenette down on the bed; the redhead failed to notice Midoriya was still clinging onto his shirt. Which meant that Kirishima basically almost fell on top of the smaller boy. He ended up hovering right above him, noting how the pink flush on the greenette's face made his freckles stand out more.

Too cute, Kirishima thought as he felt his heart about to burst. He quick got up when he remembered the position they were in; he glanced around and spotted a small bottle. The redhead hesitated before picking it up and observing the bottle. They were...pain meds? Kirishima thought for a minute trying to think of why the greenette would need them.

After pondering the bottle's presence in the room for a couple of minutes, he finally remembered Midoriya talking about back pains. But why would his back hurt that much? He glanced over to the freckled teen only to observe the greenette shifting around his bed uncomfortably. The redhead went to see if Midoriya was up until he heard small mumbling, "Sorry....not like you.....sorry..."

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