Serious Conversation- Ch. 14

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Recovery Girl took a minute before hesitantly asking, "With what? Treating your wounds?" Midoriya shook his head no as he grabbed a nearby pillow and screamed into it, crying.

"No- Ah! I-I need p- UGH! pain medication!" Midoriya whimpered as he looked up at her. She looked shocked. This boy that has never asked for help no matter how terrible the situation is now screaming, begging her for help.

She swiftly went to grab the pain medication, and handed it to the distressed teen, hoping she would get answers once the medicine kicked in. She left the boy to take the pain medication after giving him the proper amount of pills. She hesitated when glancing at the phone she had in her hand. She thought about calling Aizawa about the issue but quickly realized it was a bad idea; he still had a good half hour of teaching to do before the end of the day.

So she decided to contact Nezu about it. She heard his oddly cheerful voice from the other side of the phone, "Hello Recovery Girl! What seems to be the problem?"

The woman paused, "'s about Midoriya...again."

"Oh? And what seems to be the problem? Another injury?"

"He entered the office, not even sparing a glance. He just sat down on the bed and pulled back the curtain. I found him sitting on the bed and he asked me for help and pain medication. From what I can tell, it has something to do with his back. Either the wound from those villians or something about his wings," Recovery Girl explained.

Nezu nodded to himself as he thought about what they could do. "Well I suppose it wasn't wise to let him go back to school after what happened yesterday; he still has those wounds on his arms and legs, not to mention the burn on his foot and ankle. Tell him he is not allowed to go to school tomorrow. He has to stay in the room designated for him. We'll put breakfast in there for him; I'm sure Aizawa will want to talk to him at lunch so he can bring it to Midoriya himself. Besides, tomorrow is Friday and the dorms are supposed to be finished Saturday so he will be the first to move in; the rest will be ready to move in on Monday," he planned out everything in his head, explaining most of his reasoning on the phone. He didn't explain one of the other reasons he wanted the student to stay home-well his temporary room. He heard Aizawa mention something to one of his colleagues that Midoriya was obviously not getting enough sleep. Plus, Nezu knew that the greenette was probably mentally exhausted so a day for himself would be ideal.

Recovery Girl mentioned that she had to hang up, the pain medication probably kicked in by now. Nezu complied as he hung up the phone. The woman walked out of her little office as she entered the regular one, where the patients, or patients were.

She noticed the upper part of Midoriya's hero costume was tossed to the side, blood scattered in certain places. Though she noticed the greenette looked calm now, re-cleaning some of the wounds on his arms he received the day before. No one asked him about what had happened before All Might arrived, but they knew they should just leave it be. Recovery Girl noticed his wings were still out, trying to cover as much space as possible, which was fairly large in her opinion. They appeared to be about four and a half to five feet long for each one and looked about two and a half feet wide. She looked at the boy's face and noticed his eyes were still puffy and he hadn't even bothered to wipe the tears off of his face.

Midoriya wiped them away as he looked up and smiled, like he wasn't in pain a couple minutes ago. He noticed her silence so he decided to speak up, a smile still present on his face, "It's just my wings. They go through these type of growth spurts, making my back hurt really bad. I...might need to stay in my room tomorrow. These usually last a couple of days but I can probably go back Monday! They aren't that bad towards the end of it so I'll be-"

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