Thinking- Ch. 19

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Buzzzz. Buzzzz.

Come on pick up, the hero thought as he looked over to the unconscious boy laying on his couch.

"Kid? What happened?" A frantic sounding voice began to speak when the ringing stopped.

Hawks took a second before pulling the phone away from his ear and looking at the name of the contact. The man on the other line sounded awfully similar to Eraserhead but the name of the contact was displayed as 'Dad'. The hero paused before connecting the dots.

"Wait...Eraserhead?" Hawks asked hesitantly. An annoyed sound came from the phone. The winged hero was using Midoriya's phone since he didn't have any contact information for the boy's parents or the underground hero. Obviously he didn't know his password so he just used the Face ID, which, surprisingly worked even if the boy was asleep. But apparently the greenette didn't let Hawks know that Aizawa was his father. Though, the hero noticed there weren't any similarities between the two. Well, other than the slight eye bags that Midoriya seemed to have.

"Yeah it's me now why did you call and what did you do with my kid?" Aizawa growled from the other side of the phone.

The blond took a second before glancing back over to the unconscious boy. "Oh yeah! Where do you want me to drop him off? He's a bit exhausted so I thought I would wake him up and-"

"Wait you got him to sleep? Don't wake him up," the underground hero warned.


"I could tell he hasn't gotten much sleep. My guess is nightmares. Has he told you about himself?"

"Well sort of. He just gave me a brief rundown of things. I'll keep an eye on him to see if that's the case but..when should he be back?" If Hawks was being honest, he didn't really care how long the greenette stayed; he could use the company.

"Whenever he wakes up. If he's not up by the time the sun sets, then I'll just pick him up."

"Well I don't mind him staying here for the night. You're not making him go to school like this, are you?"

"No. He needs a day or two to relax. Plus, he needs to take a day or so off from school anyways. He's having this weird growth spurt with his wings. Ask him about it later, I don't know much about it. Anyways I have to go," Aizawa sighed.

"Ok then. I can let him stay here for school then. I know about that weird 'room in the school' situation so if you'll allow ittttt-" he dragged on the last word.

"Fine. Just don't let him get hurt. I have to go."


--Call Ended--

"Did he just...?" Hawks looked back at his phone to see that he was no longer on the phone with Aizawa. "Rude."

The hero looked back over to the couch to see Midoriya in a cocoon of sorts with his wings wrapped around him. Never thought about sleeping like that. I wonder if that just happens naturally or he purposely wraps them around himself, the hero went closer to inspect the wings. Obviously not too close; that would be awkward if the greenette woke up. Though, Hawks noticed that the wings looked fluffier than his. Most likely due to the fact that his red feathers could be used as a weapon as well.

The blond just sighed with the phone still in his hand. He paused before going to the contacts and adding in his phone number. With that done, he set the phone down and looked around for something to do.


It had been a good hour or two since Midoriya had fell asleep. It was around dinner time and Hawks wasn't the best cook so he decided to go out and get something to eat. Before leaving, he had left the greenette a note incase he had woken up; he placed the note near the boy's phone.

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