You What?- Ch. 4

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Midoriya sat across from his teacher and principal as he fiddled with his thumbs. The greenette tried to find his voice, but couldn't seem to do it as he noticed the two across from him frowning at him in disapproval.

The deadly silence was broken by Mr. Aizawa, "You lied." Midoriya stopped fiddling with his fingers as he readjusted his gaze to look at his teacher. Midoriya noticed that his eyebrows were furrowed and he was gazing at him intensely.

Many things flooded Midoriya's brain. He lied all the time, he had to so that people wouldn't worry. But what had his teacher found out about that he failed to keep hidden? The greenette realized that his silence might not be best so he sighed softly, "I have no clue about what you're talking about..."

"Back at the bridge.." Aizawa managed to growl. Midoriya's face paled as he recalled the conversation they had months ago. The black haired man continued, "...when you claimed you were living with your aunt." The greenette now realized what they had figured out are they going to expel him for lying? For being an orphan? Midoriya's lip trembled at the thought. Why now? Just when he thought his life was getting better.

The greenette stood up to bow, "I-I'm sorry! I didn't know it would be that much of an inconvenience! I didn't want anyone to worry and I didn't want to be judged. If you need to...expel me... I understand that-" Midoriya was cut off by a stack of papers being placed on the principal's desk. The greenette was puzzled to say the least. "What are-"

"Adoption papers," Aizawa stated simply. Midoriya's eyes glossed over as he stared at the papers, "No, you're joking, right? But who.." The greenette looked up at the two, confused on what was happening.

"Me, that's who. I already filled the papers out so you just need to get your things. I already spoke with Ms. Yuka; she's really happy for you," Mr. Aizawa continued, "Are you fine with that?"

Midoriya couldn't help but cry. He was grateful that he would have a home, but he couldn't help feeling sad about leaving his 'family' back at the orphanage. Maybe it was better this way though. Midoriya thought of the idea of people wanting to adopt him just because he went to UA, because he had a good quirk...or two.... The greenette just nodded his head frantically as he choked out in between sobs, "Thank you thank you thank you."

Midoriya found himself sitting in Mr. Aizawa's car, trying to wipe away his tears while smiling happily. The car ride was mostly silent, other than the occasional hiccup from the greenette due to the crying. Midoriya was overwhelmed; maybe this school was what he was looking for, maybe his life would get better from here.

The rest of the week flew by with no problems. Classes and training were the same as usual and Midoriya started to talk to everyone more. Mr. Aizawa walked into the classroom and explained what the class was doing for training today. Once everyone understood what they were doing, they went to the locker room to change into their hero costumes. Midoriya's hero costume was fairly simple. He had a loose forest green sweater along with forest green pants. He had white gloves and black boots. (Not completely the same because he didn't base his outfit after All Might's.)

They took the bus to the USJ and once they arrived, they were greeted by the pro hero 13. The teachers continue talking until a purple mist appears in front of the heroes. A few people walk out of the purple mist when someone shouts, "Woah! They even brought in fake villains!" Mr. Aizawa and 13 look over to the direction the student was pointing. "Everyone get back now! Those are real villains!" Mr. Aizawa shouts. "NO WAY! I'M GONNA KICK THEIR-"

Bakugo gets interrupted by a guy with ice blue hair and he had hands that decorated his body. The guy scans the class as villains pour out of the purple mist. The guy appeared to be looking around for something...or someone. "Izuku!" He shouts playfully. Everyone looks at the greenette in confusion/horror, wondering how this villain knew the emerald eyed boy's name.

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