A Conflicting Past and Even Rougher Present- Ch. 45

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I kind of improved...?
My account is dying haha

A Conflicting Past and Even Rougher Present- Ch. 45
Midoriya stood up abruptly shortly after he was tossed into the purple portal. He was expecting a fight and had his fists up and ready until he took a look around, noticing nothing in the room but him.

His shoulders relaxed but his gaze was still circling the room as he dusted himself off. He looked around the place and scrunched his nose up, hating the way that the place had smelled. Honestly, the area looked like a prison cell, which, it could be classified one in his eyes if the door at the front of the room was replaced with a wall of bars.

He shuddered at the thought but his eyes flickered back to the rest of the room. The room, surprisingly, was very spacious. It had enough room to accommodate for his wings and then some. His eyes skimmed the room once more until landing on a futon in the corner. He grimaced at the state of it; if he was going to be forced to sleep on there then at least there was a somewhat clean blanket on the thin futon.

"Hgk-!" He let out a strangled noise when something had grabbed his neck rather harshly. His instincts kicked in as green sparks surrounded him. He pushed off of his legs and bent his back so he was leaning towards the person attacking him. He jumped up and was about to do more until the grip on his neck intensified, a searing heat staring to tingle on his neck. He threw an arm and leg back, making the person who had taken a hold of him let go.

He was left hacking on the ground, choking as he tried to get some air back into his lungs. He looked up to gain a grasp on the situation until he was roughly shoved down on the hard ground. He hissed in pain as his wings had smashed uncomfortably against the floor, making it even more uncomfortable with his sweater constricting the release of his wings. His eyes opened, only to meet glimmering golden eyes. He was about to shove the blond off until he had noticed the knife held to his throat.

"You're so cute, Izuku. You're so feisty, too. I like it," Toga crooned as she leaned in, "I can't wait to cut you up. You would look adorable all bloody and stuff. I can't wait to stain those pretty white wings red." The greenette stiffened at that, his eyes widening as she pushed the weapon closer to his neck. And at once, she was ripped off of him, only with her weight to replaced by a rough boot on his chest.

He gasped at the hard contact, having just only gotten his breathing back just for it to be taken away again. He looked up to see piercing blue ocean eyes staring at him before flickering off to the side. "I'm here to do one thing and one thing only. Set the rules. First off," he paused as he twisted his boot on the greenette's chest. "If you attack again then you're gonna have more than just a little burn on your neck," the man growled out, "Secondly, you aren't supposed to look at anyone. If you do you'll be punished. You won't speak unless spoken to."

"But I-" Midoriya's sentence was cut off by another boot slamming down hard on his arm, with the booted foot releasing blue flames to burn the greenette's arm. The fabric of his sweater burned away, the blue hues eating away at the material as it began to become nothing but ashes. He felt the intense heat of the fire start to eat away at his already charred skin. He lifted up both hands and charged up his quirk, pushing away the boot on his chest with a little more force than necessary. He rolled to the side in order to extinguish the flames, patting himself down afterwards and then proceeding to pick away at the burnt pieces.

"I told you not to talk. You're lucky Crusty won't let me do anything too bad to you. The plan won't work if you're dead," he hissed, picking himself off the ground and wiping the blood from the back of his head, most likely from the impact of him hitting the wall that Midoriya had launched him against. "Come on blondie, we gotta go tell Crusty that the brat is here," he turned to the door but watched as Toga just sat and looked at him, unblinking.

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