Intense Game- Ch. 29

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"No! Wait we really don't have to-"

"SLEEPOVER IN THE DORMS!" Uraraka shouted before Midoriya could finish his sentence. They were all walking back from the mall at this time. Some people had bags of stuff while some people didn't have any at all. Midoriya groaned as he readjusted his bags in his hands. The brunette next to him frowned at that reaction, "I thought it would be nice. You did say you wanted to hang out as a class, didn't you?"

"Well- Yeah! I did. Er- I do! It's just that...uh how do I put this..." he hesitated. He's never really slept without his wings out. Well, except for his early days at the orphanage; that was literal hell to go through. Especially when he couldn't even stretch them properly when given the chance to have them out. Well, he found the beach filled with trash that no one had visited so he could stretch his wings, but he had to stop when he eventually cleaned it when training with All Might.

Finally, he thought of something. Even if it wasn't the best option, he knew that it would probably get his classmates to stop asking him. His face tinted pink in embarrassment; he didn't want to tell the whole class his reason. He looked around and motioned Todoroki over. The dual haired teen teen leaned down as Midoriya cupped his hands, whispering in the taller boy's ear. "I don't want to wake people up. I- I have nightmares sometimes..." he pulled away afterwards, not wanting to see his friend's reaction.

The rest of the class wanted to know what Midoriya had said, but the greenette couldn't answer at the moment. Todoroki looked at the others and just announced, "Personal reasons." Midoriya just looked up slightly, a small smile on his face as he looked at the dual haired teen. It was like a small 'thank you'. Bakugo, meanwhile, caught Midoriya's attention; the ash blond cocked an eyebrow upwards. The freckled teen seemed to notice and simply shook his head no at the boy. Bakugo nodded and faced forwards again.

"Uhhh... did anyone else see th-" Kaminari was interrupted by Bakugo harshly elbowing his side. The shorter blond had rubbed his side where he was hit; Bakugo just ignored him as he walked ahead of him.

Midoriya turned back to Uraraka. "Why don't we play games or something instead?" Uraraka nodded her head eagerly as she asked if any others wanted to join. Surprisingly-but not really surprisingly because Midoriya was there-the rest of the class had agreed.


Midoriya wanted to take what he said back.

The class was currently in a very intense game of truth or dare. Kaminari was taped to the wall thanks to Sero, Kirishima 'came out' as gay(he didn't really come out to the class since they already knew. Midoriya, on the other hand had no knowledge of this), Todoroki had to try and make a little ice sculpture, Ojiro had to see how long he could hang upside down using his tail, Ashido accidentally(haha acid-entally) burned a hole in the wall with her acid, Kirishima was dared to harden up and have someone punch him(people voted Midoriya but he didn't want to hurt his friend; Bakugo ended up doing it), Kouda had to bring his bunny out, Aoyama and Tokoyami had to switch outfits, among other things.

Hagakure had pointed at Midoriya, even though he couldn't see her hand pointing towards him. "Midoriya! Truth or Dare!" The freckled teen jumped back a little in his spot on the floor. His eyes shifted around nervously.

"Uhm- truth?"

"Tell us your sexuality," she grinned, as well as Ashido and Uraraka.

"UM- Actually I pick dare!" He exclaimed as his face flushed.

"Fine. I dare you to tell us your sexuality."

Midoriya bolted up, "Yikes! Look at the time I gotta go!" With that he tried to make a run for his room.

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