Little Game of Keep-Away- Ch. 30

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A cavalry battle? Midoriya thought as he listened to the rules, only to find out he was blessed-cursed-with ten million points.

He sat in the middle of the area as everyone else took their fifteen minutes to form their teams. Midoriya's eyes flickered back at his watch. Only thirty-five minutes left. He visited Recovery Girl's office beforehand so if anything happened, he had an alternative solution.

The only person to come up to him was Uraraka so far. He had agreed to her joining his team. They discussed what they would do as a team of two since no one else seemed to want to join their team. Though, Midoriya was a bit quick to assume so; a pink haired girl had started talking loudly as she popped out of nowhere.

The greenette jumped up a bit before looking back to the source of the noise. The girl had introduced herself as Mei Hatsume; she then proceeded to ramble on about her 'babies' and how much of an asset she would be to the team. After careful thinking, Midoriya had agreed and allowed her to join.

He went to find Tokoyami in hopes Dark Shadow could be used for defense. Unfortunately, Tokoyami already had a group; he joined Shouji's group. Midoriya was a bit disappointed but decided to formulate a plan with the people that they had on their team. Originally, Uraraka was going to be the rider, but after some careful thinking, they decided her quirk would be more useful if she was better as a 'horse' given her quirk.

That left Midoriya and Hatsume. Now, Hatsume would be a good option, except she wasn't really a fighter type, more of a thinking type. Her inventions would get in the way if she were the rider anyways. Which meant that Midoriya would be the rider. Which, Midoriya didn't mind; he believed the girls were strong enough to carry him. He had full confidence in them. Besides, his quirk worked the best for this event. With the fifteen minutes up and their plan formed, they were finally ready to start. Given they spent fifteen minutes forming their teams, Midoriya only had twenty minutes.

Little did he know the event would be well over twenty minutes.


Midoriya noticed his timer beeping; he quickly stopped it as he focused back on the match. Uraraka had looked up at him quizzically, as did Hatsume. He just shook his head as he pushed the thought of his wings out of his mind. He forced them to stay in place; he wasn't as worried as he should be.

When he went to Recovery Girls temporary office, he asked if she could wrap his back in a cloth so his wings had no choice but to stay. She told him it wasn't the best idea; he should just drop out of the tournament before the cavalry battle started. But he refused, wanting to go further into the tournament, other then winning the obstacle race. He wanted to show everyone that him winning that race wasn't a mistake.

She reluctantly agreed so almost Midoriya's whole torso and back was covered in bandages. Not to mention that he got his knuckles bandaged up from the obstacle race; Todoroki's ice was really jagged and sharp when it shattered.

Midoriya took a breath as he struggled to stop his wings; it seemed like his wings were struggling as well, he could feel them trying to break free from the bandages. Though he didn't believe they would break free; Hatsume's invention was sitting on his back so nothing could really happen.

He glanced up and gestured the girls to move to the side. "I'm fine, just something off with my quirk," he mumbled. As of right now, their team was playing a game of keep away, from about thirty-nine students. With 10,000,145 points with them, they were bound to be a target for a couple of teams. Right now, they were trying to avoid the other teams.

Midoriya scanned the area for any other teams when he felt something just barely brush against his hair. His head snapped back around to see a blond kid with a cocky smirk on his face as he looked at his hands. "Three quirks, hm? And what might those be?"

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