Small Mistakes- Ch. 39

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It doesn't have to do with the story but I got bored and thought I would put it here.

Small Mistakes- Ch. 39
Honestly the last thing Midoriya wanted to do right now was think and stress about things but he didn't really have much of a choice.

He was walking back to the dorms and muttered to himself about the internships he had to sort through. Surprisingly he had a sizable stack of papers to sort through even if he did have to drop out of the sports festival after the second round.

He considered doing an internship with Hawks until he realized that might cause more harm then good. Doing an internship with the number three hero was a great opportunity but it might cause a lot of unwanted villains; with the league still on his tail Hawks suggested picking a hero that wasn't all that popular but will simultaneously help the greenette improve.

Midoriya groaned as he slapped his hands over his face and slid them down his freckled cheeks. This wasn't even all that he was stressing over. He still promised to go to Todoroki's room. For what reason? He couldn't really remember why he agreed but he was already on his way and there was no turning back now. Plus, he wasn't sure if he really wanted to stop and think about where he should go or what he should do; he was too exhausted from training with All Might that all he wanted to do was go to his own room and rest. Well, he had spent time with Aizawa too in order to talk about what was happening. Obviously he would have to go talk to Todoroki first, so he made his way into the dorm rooms and to the elevator.


Did he really just—

Todoroki glanced at the bottle he held in his hand before holding up his other hand and hovering his fingers over his lips. I'm too gay for this. His face and ears flushed as the realization had dawned on him.

He let Midoriya borrow his water bottle back on the rooftop.

That same water bottle was the one that he just used.

This is so stupid. Why am I getting so worked up about this. It's not like we actually kissed—.... there was a pause as his mind provided him some images and thoughts on what it might feel like, taste like— DAMN IT GO AWAY GAY THOUGHTS!

He put the cap on and chucked the water bottle aside. He put a hand through his hair and exhaled as he tried to pull himself together. All right. It was maybe a good...ten minutes?— before Midoriya would—

Knock knock.

The dual haired teen cursed inside his head, noticing that luck wasn't on his side at the moment. He hadn't even fixed his hair after messing with it so much! And he didn't even set his school stuff out so they can work on homework like he promised! Well Todoroki would rather be doing other things than schoolwork—

"Todoroki...? Are you in there?"

Oh right.

Todoroki made his way over to the door as quickly as possible before carefully opening the door, not too fast but not too slow either. "Midoriya what's wrong? You're face is rather red..." The dual haired teen pointed out as he opened the door wider, gesturing the smaller teen inside.

"Training took a lot out of me," Midoriya huffed as he entered. He stopped as his emerald eyes surveyed the room, taking in the style and decoration of the room. "Woah! Your room is so cool! How did you get it like this?" The greenette asked as he walked further in to examine the place.

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