The Gays are Panicking- Ch. 28

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Bakugo tried to avoid the situation.

Keyword: tried.

The two were outside, with the ash blond's crimson eyes staring down the person intensely. "What the fuck do you want to talk about. And why should I waste my time talking to an extra?" A light breeze passed by, and the sun was slowly beginning to set. In all honesty, Bakugo didn't even want to come outside even if he didn't know what he wanted to talk about; the ash blond just didn't want him to keep asking to talk with him.

The other figure looked at Bakugo, sighing. "It seems like there's something that you know, but you're keeping it secret. Something about Midoriya having another quirk?" He questioned, noticing how Bakugo's facial expression changed for a quick second.

"What the fuck are you-"

"In the locker room. I went to check in and see if everything was all right. And Midoriya seemed to have...wings? They were sprouting from his back," the male paused before continuing, "I'm almost positive that I'm not seeing things. There is evidence to support it as well."

Well shit.

Bakugo tried to play it off as being angry and oblivious to what was being said, "I think you need to get your fucking eyes checked! What kind of bullshit is that?" He started to make explosions in his palms just to make it more believable. If it came down to killing, then Bakugo supposed that is what had to happen. That is, if his acting wasn't believable.

"Bakugo, it makes perfect sense. Midoriya changes in the stalls. This is most likely because of this quirk. Secondly, he has mentioned back pains, which is-" he was cut off by Bakugo's hands sparking more.

"That doesn't automatically mean that you can make assumptions based off of something you think you saw. Now why don't you-"


Both boys' attention was drawn to the door; Midoriya was there, waving them inside. "Kacchan! Iida! It's getting kind of late, isn't it?" He gave them a small smile when they nodded and started walking towards the entrance to the dorms.


"So will you still be able to do the sports festival, ribbit?" Asui questioned as she put her index finger on her chin. Midoriya swallowed his food; the class was having dinner now-they had ordered their food earlier. The freckled teen looked up, as if contemplating the question he was asked.

"Well- uh...actually I haven't asked. Shout- er- Mr. Aizawa would probably kill me if I did the festival before I was healed. Actually, I'm not sure if he would kill me first or Recovery Girl... She wouldn't be too happy if her work went to waste," Midoriya awkwardly laughed.

"But can't she just heal your foot so you can participate? It's been like...what? A week?" Sero asked as he motioned things with his chopsticks.

"The funny thing about that.... Recovery Girl refused to heal me so I can take a break. Because, according to her, I wouldn't have relaxed if I was able to get around freely," Midoriya sighed, but gave a little smirk as he looked down at his food, "But what she doesn't know is that I can get around with crutches just fine."

"And why is that?" Kaminari asked with a bit of food still in his mouth. The blue haired teen next to him did a small gasp in disapproval.

"Kaminari, you shouldn't talk with your mouth full! Show some manners," he instructed, doing small chopping motions with his hands.

Midoriya let out a small giggle at that, until he burst out into laughter. He accidentally spilled some water on his sweater so he had to excuse himself as he got a new one. When he came back, Iida asked him a question, "Why would you need to get a different sweater? It would have been easier if you had just taken the sweater off." From across the table, he could feel Bakugo giving him a death glare.

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