Can't Catch a Break- Ch. 32

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Midoriya knew he needed to eat, but at the same time he really didn't feel that hungry. That's odd. He slowly slid himself off of his...the balcony floor? Oh yeah....last night.

He shivered as he pulled himself up off of the cold floor. It felt cool to him, but once he stepped back into his warm room, he felt like he was burning up. He gripped the frame of the door as he was halfway through the doorway to get back into his room. He paused before sliding to the floor, not knowing if he should stay in the room or outside. The obvious answer would be inside, but he just felt so overheated in his room that he didn't want to stay there.

He didn't really know what time it was, but judging by the sky, it had to be pretty early in the morning. The greenette attempted to go back to sleep, but the uncomfortable feeling that he had felt left him wide awake yet tired at the same time. He felt the need to sleep but couldn't quite do so. So he settled on watching the reddish orange hues of the sky slowly start to fade into a wonderful blue, with ivory colored clouds slowly moving in the sky. He thought of how fun it actually was to be in the sky with the cool breeze whipping past him. Speaking of which...

He started to peel off his blue sweater, feeling the cool fall air bite the exposed skin on his arms and back. At the same time, his fluffy while wings started to unfold and rest at his sides. The greenette leaned against the doorframe, content with the solution he had come up with. It wasn't too cold or hot; he closed his eyes as he took everything in. What a great way to start a Tuesday morning.

Wait....Tuesday? But that was-

Midoriya shot up as he scrambled to pull his sweater back over his head. He went over and grabbed his phone for the time, noting that he still had time to spare. He made sure to close his balcony door before leaving his room with his phone. Of course he forgot. Why would he remember? He rushed to the forest nearby; the cool wind blowing on his face felt so good but...he felt like he couldn't run as fast as he did before. Was there something wrong with him?

Midoriya shook his head as he brushed it off thinking that it was probably because of how little sleep he got. That is, until he began to feel dizzy near the entrance of the forest. He swayed back and forth before slowly lowering himself to the ground, which, wasn't an easy feat since he felt like he was heavier than before. He was sweating a lot too...was he actually sick?

The greenette sat on the ground and waited for the dizziness to go away. He noticed a blurry blond haired figure in the distance as it ran towards him. Well, he technically did show up for training if he was close enough to where All Might was at...

Midoriya tried to push himself but the need to sleep hit him like a truck. His eyes began to flutter shut but not before he caught a glimpse of his mentor's face. The greenette gave a weak smile, "I couldn't...miss training..." He breathed out before closing his eyes.


Midoriya felt so confused.

At sometimes his body was telling him that it was too hot, but at other times, he just wanted to snuggle underneath the blankets and let the heat surround him. He opened his eyes and was met with blinding lights and a white ceiling. His back felt terrible but he ignored it for now in favor of figuring out where he was at. There was chatter on the other side of the curtain which he immediately recognized as one of the ones in Recovery Girl's office. He turned himself over on his side and opened his mouth, unable to breathe out of his nose properly at the moment.

I feel like shit.

He laid on the bed and overheard something about fever. Oh...that would explain most of his symptoms. Though, that didn't explain the headache he had, not to mention his stuffy nose. Maybe it was the flu? The greenette groaned softly, not even realizing he caught the attention of the two people behind the curtain. The blue material whisked to the side, revealing an angry woman and a worried blond.

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