Going Downhill- Ch. 44

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"So what do you guys think about Hawks?"

Midoriya had begun the conversation with heroes in general, asking people about who their favorite one was and such, explaining that he hadn't known many heroes and he wanted to learn more. He thought that if he had eased into the conversation, then no one would question him. Though, he did earn looks from Iida, Todoroki, and Bakugo upon asking the question.

Everyone kept walking while thinking of their answers; the class was currently walking to the beach. Midoriya was surprised he was able to go. He had asked Shouta and had received a hesitant reply of yes. Though, that was after the underground hero had emphasized that the greenette had to check in with him every hour.

Midoriya rolled his eyes at the thought before turning to Tokoyami, who had his answer already. "He's a respectable hero and does his job well," he responded rather bluntly.

Ashido lit up at the comment and turned to bird boy, "Oh yeah! Didn't you intern with him? What was that like? Must've been cool to work with one of the top three heroes, huh?" She kept pestering the boy for an answer before he finally gave in and provided some insight on his internship.

The others listened along, making little comments here and there. Eventually, Uraraka chimed in, "A hero with a quirk like that must be really cool! Imagine being able to fly!" She and some of the others rambled on about the quirk. Midoriya noticed that when Tokoyami mentioned how the winged hero could make his red feathers sharp like a knife, but the others weren't phased in the slightest by this detail. They began to discuss the cool things he could do with that as well.

Midoriya's heart warmed a little yet his vision seemed to grow fuzzy.

The next moment, he was faced with...multiple pairs of arms? He blinked and stopped, feeling something fall down his face before looking up. He already knew who it was based on the arms but he looked up to focus his gaze on Shouji's face. He was pulled into a hug, similar to earlier in the week when the multi-armed boy had noticed that Midoriya had looked like he was crying.

But now it seems like he was actually crying now.

Midoriya didn't even notice until Shouji had pointed it out. He was going to bring an arm up to wipe his eyes but he couldn't do so because he was being held in a semi-tight hug; Shouji must've made another arm to do the job because the greenette felt the tears being swiped off of his freckled cheeks. He smiled up to the masked male and chuckled a little. "Sorry. I'm okay, I just thought of something," he assured the taller male.

Shouji squeezed a bit tighter before letting go, "I'll take your word for it, but if you ever need a hug then I'll be around." Midoriya nodded his head, making the comment that the multi-armed boy did give nice hugs. He stopped his chatter when he noticed they were both behind their classmates, who had moved on without them.

Well, most of them anyways.

He noticed that Iida had been a little further down from they were, appearing to have waited for the two to get caught up with the others. They both caught up to Iida and continued their walk to the beach, where their classmates probably were by now.

A moment later, they were stopped when hearing a familiar voice.

The three turned around to see Aizawa waving Midoriya over, which the greenette did not hesitate to go over to. Iida and Shouji decided to distract themselves with their own conversation, albeit Iida did most of the talking while the taller masked boy had listened.

Midoriya jogged over to the black haired male and smiled, though there was a look of confusion hidden in those emerald orbs. Once he got there, however, he was presented with a black sweater, "Just incase something happens to your other one." The freckled teen laughed and nodded, looking down at the maroon colored sweater he currently had on. He took the sweater in his arms and had immediately noticed how Aizawa seemed to be searching his pockets and failing to find whatever he had been looking for.

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