Everything is Crashing Down- Ch. 5

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It was worse than last time.

Last time Izuku didn't have to witness it. He didn't have to see his own mother die right in front of him, he just found her on the floor, unconscious last time. Last time there was blood and there was a tiny bit of hope that she would survive. But now there was no blood. No chance of survival. Just the terrified face of his mother staring right back at him as she slowly disappeared into ashes.

Now they knew. His friends knew how messed up his life was, they knew his story and some of his secrets but he didn't want that. The only thing Izuku could see was a blue haired man smiling as he disappeared into the purple mist.

The greenette felt numb, his ears were ringing and his vision was blurry from the tears that streamed down his face. The only thing he felt was someone hugging him so all he did was hug back and cry into the male's chest as the male ran his hands through Midoriya's soft, fluffy, green hair. After a couple minutes, he looked up to see who was trying to comfort him. He looked right into black eyes that looked sad and were filled with regret.

"Come on, let's get you home, kid," The man said as he tried to pick up the greenette bridal style but failed to do so because Midoriya flinched away. Aizawa was perplexed to say the least. "..piggy back ride..." Midoriya choked out. Aizawa knew the kid wasn't trying to be demanding; the kid just couldn't speak well right now, so he complied.

Midoriya's arms went over the man's shoulders with blood coming from a couple of his fingers he had damaged while trying to fight the nomu at full power. He laid his head against Aizawa's back, some tears falling on it every so often. Upon exiting the building, his classmates had spotted him and they began to crowd around the teacher and student.

"GO! Right now is not the best time! There were...complications..." Aizawa growled at the students. Midoriya sniffled before lifting his head off Aizawa's back and shakily smiling, "T-thanks for worrying about me but I'll be fine you guys! Just a couple broken fingers from overusing my quirk. And about my mother...well you'll find out sooner or later so I guess it's better coming from me. She's..." Midoriya let a few tears flow down his cheeks as he tried to swallow the lump in his throat, "...in a better place now. I'm sorry for lying to everyone. I'm just used to hiding things away from everyone...."

Midoriya laid back against Aizawa's back, his cheek squishing up against it which some-scratch that almost everyone-thought looked cute. The greenette moved his head so it was facing the other side, away from his classmates.

Everyone was silent, small hiccups were heard every now and then. Midoriya mumbled something to Aizawa before the man looked at the rest of his students, "Come on, let's get on the bus back to UA. Your parents will pick you up from there." The class complied without arguing and began piling onto the bus.

Aizawa moved his things out of the way so Midoriya would be able to sit next to him. To his surprise, the greenette got up and walked over to Bakugo. Midoriya mumbled something to him in which he replied, "Why do you need it?" There was another inaudible mumble before the greenette chuckled softly while rubbing the back of his neck-or tried to. He couldn't really do much with broken fingers. Bakugo groaned before handing the greenette an opened pill bottle who grabbed a hold of it somehow. Most were worried, considering his mom has just died less than an hour ago.

"Uh..Midoriya what's that for?" Kirishima asked as he pointed to the pill bottle. The greenette turned around as he softly smiled and wiped his tears. "Well this was part of the reason I was crying so much. I get really bad back pains so I usually ask Kacchan for pain medicine and broken fingers will obviously hurt. As you can tell my mom...didn't really like me so I never asked her for any," he replied as he took a pill from the bottle and returned it to the ash blond.

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