No One is Going Anywhere- Ch. 12

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Aizawa's eyes went wide as he finally processed what was said. He turned his head to Nezu and cautiously spoke, " the quirk?" Was this quirk the reason the villains were after his kid? Why would Midoriya hide something like a quirk though? And why let the villains know? The normally tired man was now fully awake, trying his best to think of how to handle the situation.

"Well he told me not to tell you but I think you should see for yourself..." Nezu responded as he hopped out of the scarf. Aizawa hesitated to follow the creature but did so anyways. The curtain was pulled back to reveal a pile of fluffy white wings with a little tuft of green hair sticking out of it. Recovery Girl went to move some of the tables on wheels away from the bed and began to take off the removable sides of the bed. The three watched as the wings immediately moved to take up more space. Some of it hung over the edge of the bed, hitting the floor but quickly moved off of the cold surface. Midoriya started to move in the bed and laid on his side so his back was faced towards the three, with his wings complying with the action as they shifted as well.

Recovery Girl went up to observe the wound on the boy's back. "Looks like he cleaned it up nicely..." she frowned upon seeing the tint of red on the snow white wings. She sighed as she stepped away from the bed and looked over to Nezu who was looking up at Aizawa and smiling. The way that Nezu always had that smile on his face made him...creepy in a way.

"Did...he say why he didn't want me to know?" Aizawa asked as he looked over the wings again, mesmerized by their appearance. Nezu felt sympathetic(for once) towards the boy laying on the bed.

"He really admires you as his guardian. In fact, he most likely sees you as more of a parent than his mother and father ever were. Which is why he was willing to suffer in silence and carry the burden of hiding this quirk just to make sure you would stay by his side..." Nezu paused before glancing at the greenette, "...based on his reaction, he believes that there is something wrong with having a quirk like this, though he sees others with quirks similar to this just fine. Perhaps he has self esteem issues due to the lack of parenting he had growing up. Not to mention that Recovery Girl had been told-by him-that he had been bullied. We don't know for how long, but it would play a roll in the issues he's dealing with. I would suggest keeping a very close eye on him which is why I told him about my idea."

Aizawa looked down to the creature and appeared confused. "What's this idea of yours?" The man asked as he glared at Nezu. The creature with white fur lightly chuckled as he looked at Aizawa with the same devilish smirk he had on earlier.

As Nezu explained his plan to Aizawa, he walked to the old room that they were currently fixing up for the greenette. The room would be on the top floor where the third years were, but it would be at the far end, away from mostly everything. The black haired man was uncertain about the whole idea, but eventually agreed since he didn't want anything else happening to Midoriya. So much had happened to the poor boy throughout his life, so Aizawa wasn't sure how much more the greenette could take, or how much he himself could take.

The two had arrived back at Recovery Girl's office but heard talking behind the curtain. The two staff members exchanged glances as they realized the boy was up. They both quietly approached the curtain as they heard bits and pieces of the conversation, "...b-but what...h-he hates me?" As they got closer they could hear the full conversation, "W-when I was...I was a-adopted h-he didn't know..." the boy paused for a minute, trying to control his breathing as he cried, "...he didn't know th-that I had another quirk. What if he g-gets mad and he...and he gets rid of me? I don't want that! S-So please don't...please don't tell him...."

Recovery Girl seemed to sigh as she realized she had to break the news to the boy. "Well I think you're wings are beautiful and you shouldn't hide them, but...Aizawa stopped by while you were sleeping and he knows about your situation," she said softly. Midoriya's breath hitched as he heard what she said. He shook his head no frantically as he covered his mouth and tears poured out of his eyes. The greenette was looking down at his lap and his wings were on either side of him, in their resting position.

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