'Play'-Date?- Ch. 20

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Midoriya used his crutches to get around the dorms, which, thankfully for him, had an elevator. After he had gotten back from visiting Hawks on Friday, he returned back to his temporary room and packed up his things so he would be able to move them into his dorm the day after-Saturday. He was told that he would be at the dorm by himself till Monday; Monday was when everyone else would move into the dorms.

Currently, it was Sunday. Midoriya didn't have much to do since his foot was still healing. Recovery Girl refused to heal it; she knew that if she had, then Midoriya might do something reckless when he was supposed to be relaxing. The greenette sat down on the couch and watched TV before getting a text. He pulled out his phone and noticed it was from an unknown number, but the text said, 'It's me, Shinso. I know it's been a while but do you wanna hang out tomorrow after we finish moving into our dorm rooms?'

Midoriya read over the message and paused, thinking about what he needed to do. He decided he didn't have anything to do tomorrow, and if he was honest, he didn't want to be around his classmates. Especially all of the questions they had for him. He understands that they're worried, but all of the questions being asked made him anxious, which, he wasn't really comfortable with.

So he text back: 'Sure, Shinso! I can actually help you unpack if you'd like! You're in Class 1-C, right?'

After arranging plans with Shinso, he continued to watch TV.

He woke up the next day fairly early-well early for a day off of school-so he could get to Shinso's dorm before ten, when he said he would be there. The greenette grabbed his crutches and headed to the elevator to eat breakfast. He set his clothes on the right of him as he ate-he didn't want to head back up to his room to get clothes for a shower. He checked his phone as he ate, noting the time and making sure he would be able to leave before his classmates arrived; he wanted to avoid them for now.

Midoriya entered the shower room and awed at the sight. He was quite happy that there were stalls, that were fairly large-but he was more excited about the fact that the place echoed. He checked his phone again to make sure he had time. Sure enough, he still had roughly an hour and half, so he stepped into the stall and began his shower.


"Holy crap this place is huge!" Uraraka shouted as she looked around. Asui didn't comment, but still looked around the place with an index finger on her chin. Iida and Todoroki simply scanned the place but shrugged it off; the place wasn't that big(no need to flex rich boys). The four agreed to meet up at the dorms so they wouldn't have to go alone. Plus, if one of them needed help, they could ask. Uraraka and Asui agreed because they didn't want to go alone, Iida agreed so they could be 'on time'-even if there was no specific time they should've arrived at the dorms- and Todoroki, well, he wanted to get away from his father as soon as possible.

Jiro, Yaoyorozu, and Hagakure had walked in while Asui and Uraraka walked around. Jiro joined them, but soon picked up on something, "Did you guys hear that?" Everyone was silenced and they tried to listen out for the noise Jiro claimed she had heard. They shook their heads no, so the purple haired teen placed her earphone jack in the ground while the other one moved around to detect where the noise was coming from. She heard someone singing, and it sounded even better with their voice echoing in the room they were in. The voice was smooth, yet powerful and now she wanted to find out where it was. She was directed down the hallway and went towards it, with the others following her.

The noise got louder as she approached and soon the others had heard it too. They made their way to the boy's bathrooms, but behind that door was the showers. Obviously the girls wouldn't dare to walk past that door; there was a guy showering in there, but who was the guy? They listened to the voice to see if they could match it with one of their classmates:

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