Struggle- Ch. 31

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Midoriya decided to take a quick nap since he didn't have much else to do after Bakugo left. It would take roughly half an hour or forty-five minutes, so he had a lot of time to waste.

It had been about twenty minutes before he heard commotion outside of the room he was in. He looked over to the door as he rubbed his eyes and sat up, trying to process what was going on beyond his door. He heard a couple of familiar voices that sounded a lot like his friends. He heard someone ask where he was at, making Midoriya very nervous. He shifted in his spot on the bed. He only heard the voices of Iida, Uraraka, Asui, and Kirishima. The greenette concluded that Todoroki is probably competing, getting ready for his next match, or just didn't want to see him.

It was actually none of those things. In fact, Todoroki was currently in a dead hallway of the building.

His heterochromatic eyes glanced up to the crimson eyed boy across from him; he watched as the ash blond's hands moved with anticipation and started to spark a little from having to wait. The dual haired teen glanced up and spoke, "I have a feeling you're keeping a secret. One that's between you and Midoriya that you don't want the rest of the class to know so tell me..."

Bakugo glared daggers into the dual haired teen. What would Midoriya do if anyone found out? Well, if anyone else found out. It was bad enough that Iida was already suspicious and making speculations; Bakugo really didn't need two people bothering him about something that wasn't his issue to talk about.

"...are you Midoriya's secret lover..?"


Bakugo just stood there, trying to process what was just said as he squinted at Todoroki. He blinked a second before the back of his neck was burning up, along with a light blush dusting his cheeks, though it was very faint. "No- why would he- why would I-" Bakugo paused to think for a second to recollect his thoughts. If that dream became a reality, then Bakugo would be in heaven.

Just the thought of waking up with the greenette in his arms as soft and fluffy wings embraced the both of them like a warm blanket. The thought of being that close to the curly haired teen to be able to run his hands through his curls and count the freckles that dusted the boy's face. The thought of being able to see those beautiful emerald orbs open and look at him with love and passion. Just to be able to wake up and the first thing he would see is that goddamn smile he loves so much.

The ash blond snapped out of his daydream as the dual haired teen began to speak, "But you obviously have some sort of special connection with him? There is obviously some secrecy going on involving you two though." Todoroki examined the crimson eyed boy for a sign or some sort of reaction, but the ash blond just clamped his mouth shut, not knowing what exactly he should say or how to say it. One slip up and the secret would be out. "So there is something...surely you would've said something by now if it weren't true. Given your explosive personality you would have gone on a rant talking about how there's nothing going on. But you stayed silent, meaning you're trying to pick your words wisely," The heterochromatic eyed boy stated as he dug his hands in his pockets.

The two stayed in silence for a split second before the dual haired teen started to walk off. Though, before he left, he gave the ash blond a little warning, "I suppose we are rivals in two different for the top spot in this festival and two...a competition to win Midoriya's heart...." He walked away as Bakugo snapped his head to the dual haired teen, who had just disappeared around the corner. He grit his teeth as he clenched his hands; he was pissed and he was sure to beat the hell out of Todoroki once they had their matchup. Well, if the canadian flag even made it that far.


It was the next day, after the sports festival. Thankfully for Midoriya, he wasn't confronted by Monoma, but on the other hand, some of his classmates were suspicious of him. The greenette groaned as he tugged at his green locks. He sported eye bags due to not being able to sleep for one reason or another. He tried going back to sleep since he could actually sleep in; they didn't have school because of the sports festival being yesterday.

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