Why Now?- Ch. 10

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Midoriya woke up the next day and stretched out his wings. 'Hm...Weird I woke up before my alarm...' he thought as he hummed. The greenette looked over to his alarm in shock, noticing that it was two hours after school had started. He figured Aizawa must've turned off his alarm in an attempt to keep the boy at school. And it worked.

The freckled faced boy was a bit angry because he told Shouta(Aizawa's first name if you didn't know) that he was fine to go to school. Midoriya knew that even if he wanted to go to school, it would be best to stay home at this point; his back felt like knives were going through it. The greenette lazily stepped out of his room, walking to the kitchen for breakfast. He was grateful that they had stools to sit on, otherwise sitting down would be such a pain.

The boy played on his phone while eating his breakfast. He had to move some of the stools out of the way for his wings, though. Midoriya actually liked staying home. He was able to freely roam the house with his wings out, blasting his music as well. After an hour of singing his heart out, he sat down on the couch, his huge white wings wrapping around him and acting as soft blankets. He sighed as he grabbed the remote and watched TV.

A short while later, his phone rang so he picked it up. "Hello?" He asked. He was curious as to why Shouta was calling him right now, shouldn't he be teaching?

"I was just calling to check in on you. You're not doing anything stupid, are you?"

Midoriya smiled to himself, realizing that maybe people really did care about him. "Um no I'm not. Just watching TV."

"And how long did you sleep for?" The man on the other line knew that the kid wasn't getting much sleep; he yawned often though eye bags weren't present yet. That was one of the reasons he wanted the problem child to stay home.

"Maybe four hours? I didn't really count but I've been trying to...to go to sleep," Midoriya mumbled. He really wanted to sleep, but every time he tried, he would wake up from either pain from his wings or a nightmare. He didn't mention it yesterday, but he felt a sharp pain in his back from his wings. He decided it would be best to stay in the sleeping bag; he wasn't sure if his wings would spring out so he played it safe. His wings were sort of like All Might's forms in the way that they had a 'time limit'. Though he could push past these limits, only at the cost of severe back pains the day after.

"Is that purring?" Aizawa asked. Sure enough, his assumption was correct. Midoriya had their three cats surrounding him; two of which were very mean to everyone, including Aizawa. The greenette hummed in response. "You have to tell me how you even get near the other two," the man responds, genuinely curious about how the boy got his cats that he had for years to trust him in a matter of weeks. But at the same time, he was glad the cats were keeping the greenette company.

Midoriya laughed at the statement, "Welp! Looks like I have studying to do so I guess I can't tell you. Don't want me failing classes now, do you?" The greenette held in his laugher as he pulled the phone away from his ear to hang up.

"Ok. Wait- YOU DON'T HAVE-"

Call ended.

Midoriya doubled over laughing, accidentally disturbing one of the cats. Thankfully it was the nicest one out of the three so all Midoriya had to do was pet her a couple times. He continued to smile to himself as he watched TV. He eventually found his eyelids becoming heavier as his wings wrapped around him almost automatically.

Meanwhile Aizawa was trying to figure out what made the cats like Midoriya so much. 'What the actual fuck. Like does he have a hidden quirk called attraction or something? There's absolutely no reason my cats should like him more than me. I FUCKING ADOPTED THOSE CATS SO WHAT THE SHIT?' The man internally screamed at himself while having his lunch.

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