Where the Trouble Begins- Ch. 43

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"You want me to pick you up?"

The greenette had a dumbfounded look on his face as he looked at the blond. In return, he received a confident nod, "Yeah. You're strong enough. Your wings aren't like mine to where you can carry multiple people, but it helps if you're able to carry something or someone that needs to get to safety in a hurry. That is, if you ever end up using your wings."

Midoriya pouted but there was a little twinge of sadness hidden underneath, "It's just hard. I had people getting upset over it once they found out and I'm still scared of what could happen..."

The winged hero across from him frowned before patting his shoulder, "Like I said before, anyone that badmouths you for it, you can send them to me so we can settle things." Immediately after Hawks switched the subject as if he hadn't hinted at beating someone up for Midoriya's sake, "Come on, let's test it out. You're already cleared for your injury and you already have a good idea of how your wings work so let's see what happens with a little extra weight."

The greenette blinked before he was instructed to hover over the ground, close enough to where he could grab Hawks' arms to hold onto. It took a little bit for him to hover with the concept being relatively new to him, but he had managed somehow. The freckled teen was hesitant to attempt to carry Hawks in the air, but the pro hero had reminded him that he had wings of his own that he could use if he had dropped him.

There was some trial and error, mostly on Midoriya's part since he was nervous about hurting the winged hero. Eventually, Midoriya had managed to carry both of them up, though it was very hard to maintain it so it didn't last that long.

Midoriya was left exhausted at the end of training, so he decided to just lay in the garden while Hawks did who knows what.

His eyes traveled over to the flowers nearby; he outstretched his hand and grabbed a pink flower. He held it above his head and examined it before he tried to tuck it in his hair.

His messy green curls were a bit of a pain though.

He tried a couple of times with different flowers but he failed miserably. The greenette sat up and looked around when he had heard laughing. His eyes narrowed when he noticed his blond haired mentor laughing. Honey eyes opened to see the glare he was receiving from the greenette, "Okay okay, I was gonna say I have to drop you off at the dorms since someone will kill me if I don't get you there on time."

"Shouta?" Midoriya questioned as he got up off the ground and ruffled his hair, making sure he hadn't had any flowers still there. Hawks nodded his head in response to the boy's question. "I don't know, I would say that Iida would kill me if I came into the dorms past curfew," he chuckled a little at the thought.

He had noticed that after the internships, they had grown closer together. Not only because of their experience with Stain but also the hospital stay in which Iida had learned about Midoriya's wings.

Midoriya, of course, didn't just flaunt them out to the people that knew about them; he had told Iida and Todoroki about the time limit he had since both hadn't known. Though, it was nice because Midoriya didn't have to worry about having his wings around them. He was cautious with them nonetheless; he had to make sure that they didn't bump into anything and he would make sure Todoroki or Iida hadn't touched them.

The wings were still dangerous, after all.

That's what Midoriya hated the most. They were so dangerous, he was so dangerous. Just a monster with this quirk he knew nothing about, one that he couldn't control. This quirk destroyed him. It destroyed his life and himself, it hurt his friends. He just hated it.

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