A Familiar Place with Some Familiar Faces- Ch. 41

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I got really bored during my classes so I did those while the teacher was lecturing. I have a Bakugo one too but I can't put two pictures up so it might be on the next update for a different story.

And yes I was still listening to the lecture so don't yell at me. ;-;
A Familiar Place with Some Familiar Faces- Ch. 41

For the first time in a while, Aizawa was full blown smiling.

It wasn't one of those shit eating grins either. He was actually genuinely smiling. And no, it's not because Present Mic fell and spilled hot coffee on his own shirt— though that thought could still earn a small snicker from the black haired male.

No, this was an actual smile— not that Aizawa would admit he was even doing that. He had to hide his smile in his scarf; he couldn't help but to smile.

Izuku actually looked happy.

And no, he didn't mean the fake smiles or laughs that the greenette had displayed; the freckled teen was giggling with a wide grin on his face. What Aizawa loved even more was the fact that he was this happy with his wings out. The children seemed to love the freckled teen just as much as he loved them. It was really nice to see how well Izuku was with kids.

Izuku didn't even seem to be fearful with his wings out on display. If Aizawa could capture this moment forever he would—

Oh wait, he has a phone.

He quickly snapped a picture before pocketing his phone, savoring the moments of Izuku being happy with the kids at the orphanage.

"'Zuku! Your wings look bigger! Did they grow?" One of the little kids asked as they climbed under the wing, soaking in the warmth it provided.

The freckled teen laughed happily as he nodded, lifting his wing up since the kids couldn't do so on their own. He smiled softly as he glanced around to see the other kids running around; he was sitting on the floor so the kids could touch his feathers. There were a couple of older kids as well, some a little older and some a little younger than Izuku. He didn't mind talking to some of the kids in his age group; he didn't expect one of the older kids to walk behind him to touch his wings.

Izuku flinched a little when calloused hands had touched his wings a bit roughly. The freckled teen sat up a bit straighter when the hands started moving around, the male teen who had his hands on Izuku's wings seemed to be moving as if he knew he was doing.

The winged teen was surprised when he felt himself relax; the way that the other teen's hands were moving was really nice. Though it was odd because the teen didn't seem to say a word as the freckled teen relaxed. The little kids seemed to notice as they pulled their hands and bodies away from the feathers as they dropped down.

"Oooh! Oooh! Show us! I want to pet Izu's wings like that!" Some of the kids began to pester the quiet male. The freckled teen turned to look at him until he spoke.

"It's like a massage for your wings," he supplied as his purple eyes tore away from the curious emerald ones.

Aizawa didn't really like the fact that kids Izuku's age were touching him like that(he made a mental note to threaten Bakugo and Todoroki not to do anything that might make his kid uncomfortable in the slightest). Though, he left it alone for now as he went to speak with the caretaker— not that he wanted to socialize but he wanted to ask a question he hadn't asked Izuku before.

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