Don't Tell Anyone- Ch. 8

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The indigo haired boy looked at the greenette quizzically. He barely knew the boy so why would he trust him of all people with a secret? Was it something he said? Or did the younger boy just deem him as trustworthy? Amajiki's mind was filled with thoughts and he felt pressured to answer the greenette who was patiently waiting.

Midoriya appeared to be having a staring contest with the tile beneath him and it looked as though he was winning. Amajiki thought for a moment before giving his answer, "No...I'm not very good at keeping secrets since Hado and Togata would force it out of me somehow. Well more Hado than Togata. But if it's really important to you, it won't hurt to try."

Midoriya broke eye contact with the boy as he sighed, "Alright um what if I told you-"

The greenette was cut off by the door to the roof slamming open. Both boys seemed startled at the action as they turned around to see a tall blond boy and a girl with periwinkle hair. The girl seemed to have stars in her eyes as she rushed up to the two.

"Oooh who is this Tamaki? He looks new to the school," she turned her attention to the greenette and proceeded to fire questions at him, "Your hair looks fluffy, can I touch it? Are those real freckles or is it makeup? Are you a first year? My name's Nejire Hado. By the way, what's your quirk?" The blond boy had approached the small group to notice the girl busy with her little 'interview'. He took her shoulder and slightly pulled her away from the startled boy.

The blond boy laughed as he crouched down and held his hand out, "Heya! I'm Mirio Togata! You must be a pretty cool person if Tamaki over here is talking to you." The indigo haired boy shyly blushed as he turned his head away.

Midoriya finally found his voice as he shook the boy's hand, "Um I'm Izuku Midoriya." He heard the girl squeal as she crouched down to the boy's level. He faced the girl, now having his back to Amajiki.

"Oh my gosh he's so cute, Tamaki!" She inches closer to the freckled faced boy as he blushed slightly, his cheeks turning a light pink. He mumbled something inaudible which just caused the girl to inch closer as Midoriya scooted back into Amajiki. "What was that?" She asked.

"You''re too close!" Midoriya squeaked as he pulled his hands over his face. "And I'm not cute..." he muttered through his hands. The indigo haired boy moved slightly, startling the greenette even more. "Ahhh! I'm so sorry! I didn't realize I bumped into you. I apologize!"

Midoriya looked much like a tomato at the moment. He was embarrassed at the fact that he would be remembered by these people as the clumsy boy on the roof. He internally cursed at himself as he brought his knees to his chest and proceeded to wrap his arms around his legs. He rested his face on his knees as he softly mumbled, "Nice to meet you guys..." He took a second to compose himself as he took a deep breath and sighed.

"I should get going. I don't want to be a bother since you probably came here for Amajiki. Bye..." Midoriya announced as he stood up and grabbed his lunch. He looked down at his food before looking to Amajiki, "Do you need anymore of this or..." The indigo haired boy just shook his head no. The greenette shrugged as he made his way off of the roof.

Midoriya thought of what hero training might be like. He was not really looking forward to it today; he didn't get a ton of sleep, after all. After the phone call with Uraraka, he just thought about everything before attempting to fall back asleep for a couple hours. But then there was something new.


He would be put in the same situation, his mother standing there looking furious and disgusted with him one moment and the next she had a completely different look on her face. The hopeless face that was engraved in his memory forever. As she disappeared he heard voices saying things like 'It's your fault', 'You could've done something', 'You really want to be a hero?', 'Take a swan dive off the roof', or 'Quirkless loser'. These things would keep going on forever. It was like it was going in a constant loop in his head. He woke up in a cold sweat during the night, only going back to sleep an hour before his alarm.

The Secret(Rewrite)- DekubowlWhere stories live. Discover now