I'll be Fine- Ch. 36

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Well this was just terrific.

Midoriya just loved the situation he was in right now: sick, tired, bored, and irritated all at the same time. He still had to focus in class, nonetheless. His eyes flickered back to the clock on the wall, waiting for lunch time. His foot bounced up and down slightly, not having much energy to move it that much.

He unintentionally let out a small yawn, slapping a hand over his mouth shortly after. He didn't want to lift his head up and look around to see who might've heard it; his face was a mess right now and he didn't need any questions. Even so, there were still some people that caught it.

He slowly started packing up his things, seeing as there were only five minutes of class left. He slumped in his seat as he heard Cementoss' low, monotone voice. Learning about Modern Literature mixed with that type of voice made it hard to focus. Midoriya's eyes were about to fall shut before the bell rang; he mentally thanked that for happening.

He hurriedly packed up the rest of his things before turning to head out of the door. Though, something prevented him from doing so; his eyes trailed up to meet crimson eyes. Said crimson eyes widened upon meeting emerald, immediately noticing they eye bags and the pink blotches adorning the freckled teen's face.

Midoriya acted quickly as he ducked his head down and pushed past Bakugo, speed walking to the hallway. The greenette only got so far before he was pulled back, being out in the hallway by the time the ash blond had snapped out of his little trance.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Bakugo growled, knowing that the greenette was still sick, obvious from his face. Emerald eyes narrowed in anger; Midoriya didn't want everyone to baby him and act like he might break down. Which, he might do so, but he still felt like he was so bothersome and annoying to deal with. Maybe it was a good idea for him to stay out of everyone's way. They shouldn't even have to pretend to worry about him. He didn't need their pity.

"Me? I'm just minding my damn business, that's what. Maybe you should do the same and stay away from me...please," he whispered the last part, not having enough energy in him to be angry. He turned back as he pulled his arm out of the taller boy's grasp, heading up the stairs as soon as he did.

The ash blond just stood there, shocked by the greenette's sudden outburst. The nerd decides to isolate himself in his room for a whole day and the first thing he does is lash out at someone? What the fuck happened?

A certain redhead popped out from behind Bakugo, looking over to see Midoriya walking up the stairs, presumably towards the roof. Kirishima looked to Bakugo, "What happened?" He raised a red eyebrow in question, eyeing his friend with slight suspicion

Bakugo ignored the question and instructed the redhead to follow Midoriya to make sure he 'didn't do anything stupid' while he went to go get Aizawa and some food for the greenette; Midoriya probably hadn't eaten since he didn't come out of his room all day yesterday.

Kirishima pondered Bakugo's statement. Would Midoriya really do something like that?! I know a lot has happened to him but- He glanced over to see the Katsuki Bakugo appearing worried. That's how the redhead knew that it could be a possibility. He was yelled at a second later, Bakugo telling him to head up to the roof.

Shoes constantly clacked up against the steps as the redhead stormed up the stairs, realizing just how serious the situation he was in might be.

Midoriya stared up at the sky before closing his eyes and letting out a shaky breath. Emerald eyes reopened as they stared down at the view below. He let a small smile play on his lips as he thought of how much fun he had with Hawks and flying. His smile faltered as he gazed back up at the sky, watching the clouds move across the blue sky.

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