Drowning in Thoughts- Ch. 6

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The ride home was silent. Midoriya looked out the window as a blur of trees infiltrated his vision. With the light blue sky towering over the green blur of trees. The greenette smiled softly to himself as he gazed at the window. He knew he had to try and find something to make him feel slightly happy, otherwise people would worry. Or would they? Midoriya wasn't so sure about how relationships worked anymore. But why should he care what other people think? It's not like they can change what he does or who he is. Why should he care about people so much when all they did was hurt him for caring?

Maybe that was his problem. Maybe his problem was that he cared too much. Not just about people but what they thought about him. He always told himself he shouldn't care about what other people think; that he should just focus on himself. Another problem of his. Maybe he had tried so much to make other people happy with him because he wanted to feel special and needed for once. He wanted to be accepted. That's why he kept so many secrets. If he hadn't, people would just judge him right away, they wouldn't accept him if they knew his secrets. That's what he feared the most. He feared that if he let one person in, if he let them know about what he's going through, they would just tear him apart and leave him just like everyone else did.

Midoriya was fragile. He never liked to admit it, but he was. Not in the sense of physical strength, but emotionally. The smallest of things that were said to him he would take to heart and not think twice about it. He cared so much about what people thought. He just wanted to be a priority for once; it didn't even matter if he was fourth or even fifth on someone's list of priorities. He just wanted to be recognized as someone. A human being with emotions just like everyone else. He felt like he never got that kind of experience. And maybe, he thought, he never would.

Midoriya looked up as he felt someone lightly shaking his shoulder. He found a familiar black haired man was the reason for this. The greenette looked out the window to see a familiar house surrounded by bushes and trees. He found comfort in the small home even though it had only been a couple weeks since moving in. Midoriya smiled at the thought of being in his room, away from all of the chaos that this miserable world had brought him. He unbuckled his seatbelt as he made his way out of the car and into the house. 'Hopefully everyone else made it home safely,' Midoriya thought as he walked up the stairs to the house. When Aizawa stepped into Recovery Girl's office, the two males headed home; the rest of the class was already picked up by their parents.

Midoriya swung the door open to be greeted with three cats who each picked one of the males to nuzzle their head against. Two of which nuzzled against the greenette's legs. He smiled as he bent down to pet the cats who had always put a smile on his face. After a bit, he stood up and directed himself towards his room.

"Problem child," Aizawa began. The freckled faced boy turned around at the nickname; it was given to him shortly after he was adopted, though Midoriya liked it. He felt it was special that someone took the time to come up with a nickname just for him. One that didn't have a bad intention behind it. Once gaining Midoriya's attention, Aizawa continued, "The teachers were talking about implementing a dorm system, for your safety and the students'. We're having a meeting about it tomorrow but I want you to go to Recovery Girl's office after school if you decide to go tomorrow. I don't want you walking home by yourself, especially after that villain attack."

Midoriya simply nodded but decided to ask, "And what about the other students?" Aizawa mentally sighed to himself, 'Still thinking about others, huh?'

"I'm going to request that they walk home in groups and there will also be more heroes on patrol as a precaution. Not just for the students, but for the citizens as well. After all, we don't know what these villains are capable of or what they're planning," The man replied before sitting down on the couch.

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